TY - T1的后循环缺血血管内时代JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - S158 LP - S169做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000012808六世- 97 - 20补充2 AU -罗伯塔Novakovic-White盟胡安马里奥电晕盟——乔纳森·a·白Y1 - 2021/11/16 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/97/20_Supplement_2/S158.abst首页ract N2 -背景和目标进行文献综述的临床、影像学和解剖特点的后循环缺血(PCI)和系统综述的文献管理的基部的动脉阻塞(包)和相关的结果。方法回顾文献描述的风险因素进行识别出版物,PCI的病因、临床表现及成像。系统回顾了按照首选项报告系统回顾和荟萃分析。PubMed和奥维德MEDLINE搜索相关文章管理从2009年到2020年保的。总结现有证据合成编译包管理。结果PCI占15% -20%的中风。类似于前循环中风危险因素。头晕(47%),单侧肢体无力(41%),和构音障碍(31%)是最常见的表现症状。头部CT将识别PCI病例的21%;diffusion-weighted MRI或CT灌注敏感性增加至85%。最近试验显示血管内治疗可以实现在80%的再通包。 In select patients, 30%–60% who receive endovascular treatment can achieve favorable outcome vs without. A total of 13% achieve good outcome and there is an 86% mortality rate.Discussion PCI can present with waxing and waning symptoms or clinical findings that overlap with stroke mimics and anterior circulation ischemia, making diagnosis more heavily dependent on imaging. Recanalization is an important predictor of improved functional outcome and survival. In this endovascular era, trials of BAO are fraught with deterrents to enrollment. Despite limitations, endovascular treatment has shown improved outcome in select patients.AC=anterior circulation; ACI=anterior circulation ischemia; AHA=American Heart Association; AICA=anterior inferior cerebellar artery; AIS=acute ischemic stroke; AT=antithrombotic treatment; BA=basilar artery; BAO=basilar artery occlusion; CI=confidence interval; CTA=CT angiography; CTP=CT perfusion; EVT=endovascular thrombectomy; IA-PT=intraarterial pharmaceutical thrombolysis; IAT=intra-arterial therapy; ICA=internal carotid artery; ICAD=intracranial atherosclerosis disease; ICH=intracerebral hemorrhage; IVT=IV thrombolysis; LVO=large vessel occlusion; mRS=modified Rankin Scale; MT=mechanical thrombectomy; NIHSS=National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; OR=odds ratio; PC=posterior circulation; pc-ASPECTS=Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score for the posterior circulation; PCA=posterior cerebral artery; PCI=posterior circulation ischemia; PICA=posterior inferior cerebellar artery; PPV=positive predictive value; RCT=randomized controlled trial; RR=risk ratio; SA=subclavian artery; SAH=subarachnoid hemorrhage; SCA=superior cerebellar artery; sICH=symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage; SNIS=Society of Neurointerventional Surgery; VA=vertebral artery; VBD=vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia ER -