RT期刊文章SR电子T1未来的卫生保健提供者和病人评估评估化疗所致外周神经毒性摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP e660 OP e672 10.1212 / WNL。首页97年0000000000012300签证官是7 A1 Paola阿尔贝蒂A1大卫。p .; 8:32 A1 David r . Cornblath A1英格马中华民国Merkies A1苏珊娜b公园A1拱形Velasco A1乔迪布鲁纳A1迪米特里Psimaras A1 Susanne Koeppen A1 Andrea步伐A1苏珊·g·多尔西A1 Andreas a Argyriou A1 Haralabos p Kalofonos A1奇亚拉Briani A1安吉洛Schenone A1 Catharina g·费伯A1安娜Mazzeo A1沃尔夫冈Grisold A1 MariaGrazia Valsecchi A1 Guido Cavaletti A1 CI-PeriNomS集团的代表年2021 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/97/7/e660.abstract AB背景和目标没有达成协议的黄金标准检测和分级化疗所致的周围神经毒性(CIPN)在临床试验中。首页目标是执行一个观察前瞻性研究来评估和比较基于和CIPN physician-based检测和分级的方法。方法连续患者,18岁以上,候选人毒害神经的化疗,是参加美国、欧盟、澳大利亚。一个训练有素的人员执行physician-based尺度(总神经病变Score-clinical [TNSc],用于计算总神经病变Score-nurse [TNSn])和监督patient-completed问卷(癌症治疗功能的评估/妇科肿瘤Group-Neurotoxicity[事实/ GOG-NTX])。评估之前和结束时进行化疗。参与者没有神经病变在基线,我们评估之间的联系TNSc, / GOG-NTX TNSn,事实。考虑先前建立最小临床重要的区别(MCID) / GOG-NTX,我们确定参与者有或没有一个临床上重要的根据这种规模的恶化。然后,我们计算了MCID TNSc和TNSn均值的差异变化分数的两组之间的尺度。结果来自254个参与者的数据可用:180(71%)正常神经在基线状态。的研究中,88%的参与者开发任何等级的神经病变。TNSc TNSn,事实/ GOG-NTX显示良好的响应性(标准化意味着改变从基线到结束化疗> 1为所有尺度)。 On the 153 participants without neuropathy at baseline and treated with a known neurotoxic chemotherapy regimen, we verified a moderate correlation in both TNSc and TNSn scores with FACT/GOG-NTX (Spearman correlation index r = 0.6). On the same sample, considering as clinically important a change in the FACT/GOG-NTX score of at least 3.3 points, the MCID was 3.7 for TNSc and 2.8 for the TNSn.Conclusions MCID for TNSc and TNSn were calculated and the TNSn can be considered a reliable alternative objective clinical assessment if a more extended neurologic examination is not possible. The FACT/GOG-NTX score can be reduced to 7 items and these items correlate well with the TNSc and TNSn.Classification of Evidence This study provides Class III evidence that a patient-completed questionnaire and nurse-assessed scale correlate with a physician-assessed scale.CI=confidence interval; CIPN=chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity; CRO=clinician-reported outcome; EORTC=European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer; FACT/GOG-NTX=Functional Assessment of Cancer Treatment/Gynecologic Oncology Group–Neurotoxicity; MCID=minimal clinically important difference; NCI-CTCAE=National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events; NCS=nerve conduction studies; PRO=patient-reported outcome; QST=quantitative sensory testing; TNS=Total Neuropathy Score; TNSc=Total Neuropathy Score, clinical version; TNSn=Total Neuropathy Score, nurse-assessed version