TY -的T1 - 3 d形状和表面特征对比多发性硬化症从非特异性白质神经学疾病(P4.396) JF -乔-神经学六世- 88 - 16补充SP - P4.396盟Braeden d·牛顿非盟-凯蒂·赖特盟-曼迪·d·温克勒盟弗朗西斯卡宝盟Masay首页a Takahashi AU -伊万季米特洛夫大肠盟玛丽亚Pia索尔AU -马可·c·Pinho盟达林·t·奥田硕Y1 - 2017/04/18 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/88/16_Supplement/P4.396.abstract N2 -目的:描述三维(3 d)的几何形状和表面特征的多发性硬化症(MS)病变与非特异性白质(NSWM)发现。背景:确定结构异常的起源来自NSWM或原位脱髓鞘疾病造成老化,偏头痛,或小血管疾病由传统的二维有限,迫使角度来看,脑损伤的观点。设计/方法:标准化3-Tesla 3 d大脑核磁共振研究进行登记和女士NSWM病人。幕上的局灶性病变,使用最大强度投影重建,手动分割,3 d印刷。打印3 d模型由三个瞎了评级机构评估选定的形状和表面特性。回归模型调整了年龄、疾病持续时间,个别患者效果应用到评估病人团体之间的病变特点。患者的立场和潜类别分析组间进行比较病变表型。结果:共有1001个病灶进行了分析(710毫秒;291 NSWM)确诊的30例(19女士(11女;年龄中位数= 33.6年,范围:26.9 - -54.5)),中位疾病持续时间(0.4 - -19.4)= 2.2年),11验证NSWM疾病没有女士(11女;年龄中位数= 55.0年,范围:27.9 - -66.2)。病变来自女士相比NSWM患者表现出更高比例的不对称(分别为75.9%和43%;或者:4.39 (2.37 - -8.12); p<0.001), complex surface morphologies (65.9% versus 27.8%; OR: 2.3 [1.74–3.05]; p<0.001), were multi-lobular (11.0% versus 0.3%, p<0.001), and elongated (12.8% versus 2.4%, p<0.001) in shape. Spatially, asymmetric (p<0.001), complex surface (p<0.001), elongated (p=0.001), multi-lobular (p<0.001), and lesions containing protrusions (p=0.02) were identified at higher frequencies within the juxtacortical, deep white matter, and periventricular regions.Conclusions: Distinct 3D geometric and surface characteristics appear to differentiate lesions resulting from MS and NSWM disease. These data may provide new insights related to the biology of these conditions yielding MRI anomalies along with new approaches to diagnosis and clinical surveillance.Disclosure: Dr. Newton has nothing to disclose. Dr. Wright has nothing to disclose. Dr. Winkler has nothing to disclose. Dr. Bovis has nothing to disclose. Dr. Takahashi has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dimitrov has received personal compensation for activities with Philips Medical Services as an employee. Dr. Sormani has received personal compensation for activities with Novartis, Roche, Genzyme, Merck Serono, Teva, Synthon and Biogen Idec as a speaker and/or consultant. Dr. Pinho has nothing to disclose. Dr. Okuda has received personal compensation for activities with Acorda Therapeutics, Genentech, Inc, Genzyme Corporation, TEVA Neuroscience, EMD Serono, and Novartis. Dr. Okuda has received research support from Biogen. ER -