TY - T1的眼球运动的描述性研究Versive癫痫(4440)JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 96 - 15补充SP - 4440 AU - Prasannakum首页ar Gajera AU - Nataliya Pyatka AU -萨拉姆nasralla盟Takafumi日本久保田公司AU -奈尔Fotedar盟瓜达卢佩Fernandez-Baca Vaca AU - Aasef谢赫Y1 - 2021/04/13 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/96/15_Supplement/4440.abstract N2 -目的:分析眼球运动在Versive焦和广义癫痫患者的发作。背景:Versive癫痫发作被定义为强制的和不自觉的把头部和眼睛在一个方向上有一个关联的颈部扩展,导致持续的不自然的位置。头和眼睛之间的同步偏差癫痫总是认为他们都共享一个公共symptomatogenic区:额眼字段。很少有研究分析详细的眼部运动versive发作期间视频质量差是一个限制因素。设计/方法:我们分析了发作的眼球运动45 versive癫痫患者癫痫发作从30符号学,承认成人监测单元(12)在克利夫兰大学医院医疗中心。我们只包括患者清晰、高分辨率的发作视频和可翻译的脑电图。结果:在所有的病人,眼睛侧转移到癫痫发作区和侧头部的版本。两种类型的眼球运动被认为:扫视和光滑的追求。跳阅是更为常见(90.3%)。我们分类的眼球运动与偏差分为三种类型:眼睛前负责人;(二)前负责人眼睛; III) Eyes and head moving simultaneously. For the saccadic eye movements, 2–3 saccades were needed for the eyes to reach the maximum deviation. Ipsilateral facial muscle contractions were seen on the side of saccade direction. Further data analysis is in progress.Conclusions: Version movements have a high lateralizing value in focal epilepsy. We hope that our data will further elucidate the role of eye version as it relates to the rest of seizure semiology. This research on the relationship of eye and head movements during versive seizures will allow for better understanding of underlying physiology.Disclosure: Prasannakumar Gajera has nothing to disclose. Dr. Pyatka has nothing to disclose. Dr. Nasralla has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kubota has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fotedar has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fernandez-Baca Vaca has nothing to disclose. Dr. Shaikh has received personal compensation in the range of $10,000-$49,999 for serving on a Speakers Bureau for Acorda. ER -