PT -期刊文章盟Eugenia马丁斯盟戴安娜Esteller AU -玛丽亚赛盟莎拉Llufriu AU - Mar Guasp AU -何塞玛丽亚卡布瑞拉盟-阿尔瓦罗·卡巴约盟-蒙特塞拉特Artola AU -安娜Hernando AU -弗朗西斯克格劳盟尤兰达布兰科Morgado AU -阿尔伯特Saiz TI - COVID-19发生率和影响的一群从巴塞罗那重症肌无力患者。(4170)DP - 2021年4月13日TA -神经病学首页PG - 4170 VI - 96 IP - 15补充4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2021 4月13;96 AB -目的:描述发生率,临床特征和影响COVID-19的一群成年患者重症肌无力(MG)。背景:目前还不清楚如果MG患者的风险增加发展中COVID-19,如果大流行增加了MG发作。设计/方法:横断面研究评估通过电子邮件/电话采访75 MG病人在医院诊所,巴塞罗那。大流行病例从一开始直到6月18日,2020年,累积发病率与巴塞罗那城市的人口估计。MG发作的频率比前一年同期。结果:六十九例(92%)患者参与了这项研究。38(55%)是男性,平均年龄69岁(IQR 49 - 77), 54(78%)有广义和15(22%)眼部毫克;55 (80%)anti-AChR 4 (6%) anti-MuSK和9(13%)血清反应阴性的。58例(84%)患者接受免疫抑制剂。四个病人COVID-19,累积发病率是一般人群的类似(5.8% vs 6.7%)。三个(75%)是男性,平均年龄61岁(范围26 - 88),所有与广义毫克,2 anti-AChR和2血清反应阴性的; 3 were on prednisone and 1 on azathioprine. One was a healthcare worker and 1 resident of a nursing home. Three (75%) patients required admission; all patients continued on MG therapy, and none received COVID-19 specific medications. One (25%) patient died on day 2, and the other 3 were discharged after 8–14 days. One patient had MG exacerbation 3 weeks later. Compared with MG patients without COVID-19 no differences were found on comorbidities, MG characteristics or treatments. Overall, 10 (14.5%) patients developed MG exacerbation compared with 14 (20%) of the previous year.Conclusions: The incidence of COVID-19 in MG patients is similar to that of the general population. The pandemic does not seem to increase the frequency of MG exacerbations.Disclosure: Diana Esteller Gauxax has nothing to disclose. Maria Sepúlveda has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving on a Speakers Bureau for Roche. Sara Llufriu has nothing to disclose. Mar Guasp has nothing to disclose. Mr. Cabrera Maqueda has nothing to disclose.Álvaro Carbayo has nothing to disclose. Montse Artola has nothing to disclose. Ana Hernando Andrés has nothing to disclose. Dr. Graus has nothing to disclose. Dr. Blanco Morgado has nothing to disclose. Albert Saiz has nothing to disclose.