TY - T1的电话访问在一个居民诊所:在大流行期间及以后(3018)JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 96 - 15补充SP - 3018 AU -丽贝卡Stainman AU -史蒂夫·汉盟尼首页尔商业AU -阿库兹韦尔盟佩兰Pleninger Y1 - 2021/04/13 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/96/15_Supplement/3018.abstract N2 -目的:在电话访问的快速实现在我们的神经病学居民诊所,我们评估的障碍和最佳使用。背景:居民连续性诊所在贝尔维尤,公立医院,为病人跨不同地理、语言和社会经济背景。COVID-19大流行之初,几乎所有神经诊所预约被转换为电话访问。首页没有明确的指导方针,患者最适合远程医疗。前进,这样的数据可能是有用的。设计/方法:匿名,自愿完成的调查是神经病学居民旋转通过连续性的诊所,每周跑三4诊所每周会议。首页结果:居民的反应(N = 24)收集4月28日至5月6日,2020年。许多电话访问(66%)需要一名翻译。整体居民满意度高了电话访问。学员提出,患者也满意所提供的照顾。居民感受到的质量历史上最有信心,考试和管理计划返回访问(平均为4.3、3.5和4.1,分别规模[1 - 5])。信心减弱的患者新诊所。 Trainees believed the most ideal candidates for future telephone visits were patients scheduled for return visits with (4.0) or without an interpreter (4.3), and patients with epilepsy (4.4), headache (4.4), and pain (3.7) diagnoses. The diagnoses least conducive to telephone visits were memory issues (2.0), gait disorders (2.0), and weakness (2.0).Conclusions: Telephone visits in a resident clinic may effectively facilitate neurologic care. Telephone visits were most useful for follow-up appointments whether or not a translator phone was needed and for patients with epilepsy, headache and pain. This information may help our clinic triage future appointments and enhance care for patients unable to attend in-person visits due to socioeconomic, physical, or other limitations. Measuring patient outcomes could help monitor the quality of neurologic care.Disclosure: Dr. Stainman has nothing to disclose. Dr. Busis has received personal compensation for serving as an employee of American Academy of Neurology. Dr. Busis has received personal compensation in the range of $0-$499 for serving as an Editor, Associate Editor, or Editorial Advisory Board Member for Neurology Today. Dr. Kurzweil has nothing to disclose. Dr. Pleninger has nothing to disclose. ER -