PT -期刊文章盟Fadar奥利弗Otite盟Smit Patel AU -理查德Sharma盟Pushti Khandwala盟Devashish德赛AU -朱利叶斯基因Latorre盟Emmanuel Oladele盟——赤野光信案件Nnabuchi Anikpezie AU - Saef伊西盟Amer m·马利克AU - Dileep Yavagal盟Priyank吉口盟Seemant查图尔维迪TI -脑静脉血栓形成的发生率和流行病学特征的趋势在美国援助- 10.1212 / WNL。0000000000010598 DP - 2020年10月20日TA -神经首页病学PG - e2200 e2213 VI - 95 IP - 16 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2020 10月20;95 AB -客观测试假设种族,年龄和性别脑静脉血栓形成的发生率(CVT)已经在美国在过去的十年里增加。在这个回顾性队列研究方法,验证了ICD编码被用来识别所有新病例的CVT (n = 5567)住院病人数据库(SIDs)的纽约和佛罗里达州(2006 - 2016)。一个新的CVT病例定义为首次住院对CVT SID事先CVT住院治疗。CVT数量结合年度人口普查数据来计算发病率。回归的连接点是用来评估发病率趋势。结果从2006年到2016年,每年的年龄,sex-standardized CVT发病率情况下每100万人口范围从13.9到20.2,但发病率变化显著性(女人20.3 - -26.9,6.8 - -16.8)和年龄/性别(女性18至44岁的年龄24.0 - -32.6,男性18至44岁的年龄5.3 - -12.8)。发生率也不同的种族(黑人:18.6 - -27.2;白人:14.3 - -18.5;亚洲人:5.1 - -13.8)。 On joinpoint regression, incidence increased across 2006 to 2016, but most of this increase was driven by an increase in all age groups of men (combined annualized percentage change [APC] 9.2%, p < 0.001), women 45 to 64 years of age (APC 7.8%, p < 0.001), and women ≥65 years of age (APC 7.4%, p < 0.001). Incidence in women 18 to 44 years of age remained unchanged over time.Conclusion CVT incidence is disproportionately higher in Blacks compared to other races. New CVT hospitalizations increased significantly over the last decade mainly in men and older women. Further studies are needed to determine whether this increase represents a true increase from changing risk factors or an artifactual increase from improved detection.APC=annualized percentage change; CI=confidence interval; CVT=cerebral venous thrombosis; DVT=deep venous thrombosis; HCUP=Health Care Utilization Project; ICD-9/10-CM=International Classification of Diseases, 9th/10th revision, clinical modification; NIS=National Inpatient Sample; SID=State Inpatients Database