RT期刊文章SR电子T1 MRI诊断的MS摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP 1首页80 OP 180做10.1212 / WNL.38.2.180 VO 38是2 A1 d . w .徽章A1 j·j·f·奥格A1 l . f . Kastrukoff A1 s . A .桥本A1 j.p. Hooge A1。答:艾森A1 K。答:艾森A1 s . j . Purves A1 m . d .低A1 V。Brandejs A1 W。d·罗伯逊A1 d·k·b·李年1988 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/c首页ontent/38/2/180.abstract AB我们比较MRI与CT的诊断功能,诱发电位(EP)和脑脊液寡克隆条带分析200名疑似患者的前瞻性评估多发性硬化症(MS)。核磁共振在太空展示传播是最好的方法。适当的EP在异常单症状的疾病通常是由核磁共振和CSF分析预测女士作为临床诊断。正常的适当的EP研究并不满意,因为MRI和CSF分析通常不支持非ms的诊断。当三个paraclinical之间有协议的研究中,MS的诊断可能是明确的。用于研究,实验室确定的女士(LSDMS)可能会在85年被诊断出病人总数的200(42.5%),在19/38(50%)的患者视神经炎(上),并在24/52(46%)的慢性进行性脊髓病(CPM)的病人。 MRI was 100% successful in identifying patients who qualified for LSDMS in the ON and CPM groups. In a short follow-up (less than 1 year), 19/200 (10%) went on to develop clinically definite MS (CDMS), and MRI predicted that diagnosis in 18/19 (95%). Only long-term follow-up will show how well these studies and the category of LSDMS predict the development of CDMS. The clinical diagnosis of MS (CDMS), even though only 95% accurate, must remain the gold standard.