TY -的T1 -微分损伤病因对儿科脑震荡的影响复苏JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - S32 LP - S32做10.1212/01. wnl.0000581144.42269.2f六首页世- 93 - 14补充1 AU - Kat塞巴AU -雅各布·凯盟Coffman柯尔特盟-卡梅隆莫里森盟杰夫Holloway盟-戴维斯摩尔Y1 - 2019/10/01 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/93/14_Supplement_1/S32.2.abstract N2 -目的探讨脑震荡损伤和儿科的关系机制的结果。我们假设个人受伤在运动(运动相关的脑震荡;SRC)将展示更好的结果比那些non-sport伤害(轻度创伤性脑损伤;mTBI),特别是在临床症状方面,心理健康,认知,和cardio-autonomic功能。背景脑震荡是日益严重的健康问题;然而,鲜为人知不同损伤病因(运动比non-sport)影响经济复苏。因此,更好地了解不同的损伤病因的关键效应从脑震荡中复苏更有效地指导临床实践。设计/方法收集的数据从本地脑震荡儿科诊所进行了分析。SRC和mTBI参与者匹配关键人口特征(年龄、身体质量指数、教育)和损伤特征(间隔时间受伤和临床评估,脑震荡的历史之前,具有抑制受损的身体延伸和活动)。临床症状都是使用Rivermead后震荡的症状问卷(R-PCS)。心理健康测量使用贝克青少年抑郁症的库存(BYI-D)。认知测量使用修改后的CogState脑损伤测试电池。 Cardio-autonomic function was assessed via heart rate variability (HRV). Participants were evaluated during the acute phase of injury, and again in the post-acute phase.Results At both time points, adolescents with mTBI reported greater clinical and depressive symptoms than those with an SRC (p’s < 0.05). During the acute phase, adolescents with SRC and mTBI significantly differed on multiple metrics of heart rate variability (p’s < 0.05). There were no group differences in cognition at either time point.Conclusions Our results suggest those incurring a SRC may demonstrate better outcomes than those incurring an mTBI. Future longitudinal research including baseline measurements is necessary to determine the validity of these findings. ER -