TY -的T1 Muscle-targeted营养支持在帕金森综合症患者康复JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - e485 LP - e496做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000007858六世- 93 - 5盟Michela Barichella AU -埃Cereda盟乔凡娜Pinelli AU -劳拉人工盟戴安娜结论:(非盟-艾琳Masiero盟瓦伦蒂娜铁盟——艾丽卡卡萨尼盟卡洛塔Bolliri AU - Serena Caronni AU -马Maggio盟Paola Ortelli AU -大卫。Ferrazzoli盟-安东尼奥马拉什盟朱利奥Riboldazzi AU -朱塞佩•Frazzitta盟Gianni Pezzoli Y1 - 2019/07/30 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/93/5/e485.abstract N2 -客观评估muscle-targeted营养支持的疗效的功能结果多学科强化康复治疗(MIRT)在帕金森病(PD)患者或帕金森症。首页方法我们进行了一个务实、双心的随机(1:1),assessor-blind对照试验(蛋白质、亮氨酸和维生素D增强康复(PRO-LEADER);2017年4月到2018年1月)PD患者认知的完整或帕金森症和接受30天MIRT。医院病人(n = 150)收到一个标准的饮食有或没有乳清蛋白质营养补充富含亮氨酸和维生素D每日两次。主要疗效终点是走在6分钟步行距离的增加测试(6 mwt)。二次端点四行走速度的变化,定时去测试(拉),Berg平衡规模,握力,自我评价帕金森病伤残,体重,骨骼肌肉(多发性骨髓瘤)。结果营养支持增加导致更大的距离走在6 mwt(平均69.6米[95%可信区间(CI) 60.7 - -78.6])比不支持(51.8米(95% CI 37.0 - -66.7)):中心调整平均差,18.1米(95% CI 0.9 - -35.3) (p = 0.039)。进一步调整变化的多巴胺能药物治疗多发性骨髓瘤和产生一致的结果:平均差,18.0米(95% CI 0.7 - -35.2) (p = 0.043)。一个有意义的效应还发现以下二次端点:四步行速度(p = 0.032),拖船(p = 0.046),多发性骨髓瘤,多发性骨髓瘤指数(p = 0.029)。6个病人停止营养疗法由于轻微的副作用。Conclusion The consumption of a whey protein–based nutritional formula enriched with leucine and vitamin D with MIRT improved lower extremity function and preserved muscle mass in patients with PD or parkinsonism.Clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT03124277.Classification of evidence This study provides Class I evidence that for patients with parkinsonism undergoing intensive rehabilitation, a whey protein–based nutritional formula enriched with leucine and vitamin D increased distance walked on the 6MWT.6MWT=6-minute walk test; BBS=Berg Balance Scale; CI=confidence interval; HS=handgrip strength; ITT=intent-to-treat; LEDD=levodopa equivalent daily dose; MIRT=multidisciplinary intensive rehabilitation treatment; PD=Parkinson disease; RCT=randomized clinical trial; SMI=skeletal muscle mass index; SMM=skeletal muscle mass; SPDDS=Self-assessment Parkinson's Disease Disability Scale; TUG=Timed Up and Go test; UPDRS=Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale ER -