PT期刊文章AU - Yves Dauvilliers盟Elisa Evangelista AU -露西Barateau AU -瑞吉斯洛佩兹盟Sofiene Chenini AU -卡洛琳Delbos盟Severine Beziat盟——伊莎贝尔Jaussent TI -测量- 10.1212 / WNL特发性嗜睡症状援助。0000000000007264 DP - 2019年4月09年TA -神经病首页学PG - e1754 e1762 VI - 92 IP - 15 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2019 4月09年;92 AB -客观验证特发性嗜睡严重程度量表(公路),自我报告测量抽动症状,后果,和响应性治疗。方法其一ihs(开发和验证通过与病人的睡眠专家反馈)是由218名参与者填写缺失的数据(2.3%)。210名参与者中完全完成了ihs,有57个未经处理和43名患者治疗特发性嗜睡(IH) 16岁或以上,37嗜睡症患者治疗1型(NT1),和73名对照没有睡意。ihs心理特性,判别诊断有效性和分数的变化与治疗评估。ihs结果显示良好的内部一致性和内容效度。因子分析表明2-component解决方案具有良好的可靠性表示满意的克伦巴赫α值。ihs分数可再生的没有变化的两次试验法的评估(13和14个未经治疗的患者治疗)。聚合效度分析表明,ihs得分与白天嗜睡,抑郁症状,并在婴幼儿血管瘤患者的生活质量。ihs分数比未经处理的低治疗患者(5 - 8单元不同,没有上限效应)。截止值区分治疗和治疗病人是26/50(敏感性55.8%,特异性78.9%)。ihs无毒IH病人的分数高于NT1和控制。 The best cutoff value to differentiate between untreated IH patients and controls was 22 (sensitivity 91.1%, specificity 94.5%), and 29 with NT1.Conclusions The IHSS is a reliable and valid clinical tool for the quantification of IH symptoms and consequences that might be useful for patient identification, follow-up, and management.AUC=area under the curve; BDI-II=Beck Depression Inventory II; BMI=body mass index; CI=confidence interval; EDS=excessive daytime sleepiness; EQ-5D=European Quality of Life–5 Dimensions; EQ-VAS=European Quality of Life visual analog scale; ESS=Epworth Sleepiness Scale; ICC=intraclass correlation coefficient; ICSD=International Classification of Sleep Disorders; IH=idiopathic hypersomnia; IHSS=Idiopathic Hypersomnia Severity Scale; KMO=Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin; MSL=mean sleep latency; MSLT=multiple sleep latency test; NT1=narcolepsy type 1; NT2=narcolepsy type 2; PSG=polysomnography; ROC=receiver operating characteristic; SOREMP=sleep-onset REM period