PT -期刊文章盟伊丽莎白·霍恩AU -莉莲火腿盟Chuen-Yen刘盟-斯坦利拉波波特AU -约瑟夫·雪盟Avindra Nath AU -布莱恩史密斯TI -最小对认知功能的影响尽管艾滋病毒治疗精神疾病的几率高(p4.9 - 008) DP - 2019年4月09年TA -神经病学第六PG - p4.9 - 008 - 92 IP - 15补充4099 - // 008. - 008.短4100 - //首页pplement/p4.9 - -全所以Neurology2019 4月09年;92 AB -目的:评估精神疾病之间的关系和认知障碍患者的艾滋病毒感染对艺术的在12个月,而HIV-controls。背景:抑郁、焦虑、药物滥用和创伤后应激障碍是常见的艾滋病毒携带者(PLWH)。高发病率的这些条件与贫穷有关坚持艺术和疾病进展。这些条件的高患病率和协会与认知功能尚未研究病毒抑制PLWH相比,控制。设计/方法:受试者进行自然历史研究,包括一个全面的NP电池和一个详细的精神库存(客户端诊断问卷)屏幕的过去和当前的心理健康诊断和治疗。HIV阳性受试者对艺术至少1年。t是用来比较的结果。结果:年龄没有明显差异,种族之间的HIV阳性(n = 155)和艾滋病−组(n = 51)。有更多的女性艾滋病−组(49.0%比32.9%,p = 0.04)。HIV +组收到治疗抑郁症远远超过匹配控制(分别为27.45%,50%,术中;0.01)。 Beck Depression Inventory II scores for HIV+ were also significantly higher compared to HIV− (median 3, 7, respectively, p<0.01). Additionally, treatment histories for anxiety and PTSD were significantly higher in the HIV+ group (p=0.01, p=0.03, respectively) as well as for drug abuse and alcohol abuse (p<0.01, p=0.01). However, there were no significant differences in rates of HAND or abnormal GDS between the HIV+ and HIV− groups (p=0.88, p=0.97, respectively).Conclusions: PLWH have higher rates of mental health and substance abuse disorders requiring treatment compared to HIV-controls. Despite this disproportionate burden of psychiatric disorders, the difference in cognitive function between the two groups remains minimal. Mental health disorders should be considered a clinically significant outcome that may be amenable to treatment even in those without cognitive impairment.Disclosure: Dr. Horne has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ham has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lau has nothing to disclose. Dr. Rapoport has nothing to disclose. Dr. Snow has nothing to disclose. Dr. Nath has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Practice Update Neurology. Dr. Smith has nothing to disclose.