TY - T1的急性免疫感官Polyradiculopathy (AISP):一个具有挑战性的诊断(p2.4 - 011) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 92 - 15补充SP - p2.4 - 011首页 AU - Rocio巴斯克斯做圣盟安德里亚恩盟——p·詹姆斯·b·戴克盟——詹妮弗·特雷西Y1 - 2019/04/09 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/92/15_supplement/p2.4 - 011. -文摘N2 -目的:描述一种急性的纯粹的感觉,大概是免疫介导,脱髓鞘Polyradiculopathy和提出这个术语急性免疫感官Polyradiculopathy (AISP)。背景:慢性免疫感官polyradiculopathy(对)是一个dysimmune神经病变影响节前段外周感觉神经纤维的特点是进步的感觉性共济失调,和实验室、放射和病理炎症性脱髓鞘局限于感觉神经延伸出来的证据。鉴于节前参与,常规神经传导研究(nc)通常是正常的掩盖了诊断。急性形式没有被描述。设计/方法:一名19岁男子发达四肢麻木和刺痛,走路不平衡和不协调3周之前自限性的头痛和发烧。他有正常的肌肉力量,感觉赤字模式扩展到上臂和大腿,肢体和步态共济失调和全球缺席/减少反射。结果:nc /肌电图是正常的。脑脊液显示1单元94 mg / dL / mm3和蛋白质。大脑和整个脊柱MRI有/没有钆稀松平常的。躯体感觉诱发电位(SEP)证明了差形成,分散颈和皮层响应值和胫骨刺激。病人开始静脉注射免疫球蛋白(丙种球蛋白)。一个月后颈中位数和皮质绝对interpeak延迟是长期的; routine NCS/EMG remained normal. Weekly IVIG resulted in clinical recovery and normalization of SEP abnormalities. Interval increased amplitude of a persistently normal medial plantar response raises the possibility of a much milder postganglionic involvement.Conclusions: In patients presenting with acute, diffuse sensory symptoms and imbalance with normal NCS/EMG and imaging studies, the diagnosis can be challenging and AISP should be considered. Altered morphology and prolongation of SEP responses at the root level may be the only finding indicative of nerve root demyelination. Elevated CSF protein can assist in the diagnosis. A preceding viral illness and positive response to IVIG suggests that AISP is in the spectrum of Guillain-Barré syndrome.Disclosure: Dr. Vazquez Do Campo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Boon has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dyck has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Ionis Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Tracy has nothing to disclose. ER -