% 0期刊文章%艾米丽卷%一个莫里格罗斯曼%莫莉Ungrady % Prerana Vaddi %一个索菲亚Dominguez-Perez % Katheryn表亲%科里麦克米兰%一个大卫欧文Ilya纳斯鲁拉% %杰弗里·菲利普斯% T原发性进行性失语临床和分子PET成像标记可能由于阿尔茨海默病病理(p5.1 - 023) % D J神经病学2019% % P p5.1 - 023 V % N % 15补充X 92%目的:鉴别原发性进行性失语患者(PPA)由于可能阿尔茨海默病(AD)使用数字广度——结合淀粉和tau-PET地区与logopenic变体PPA (lvPPA)。首页背景:PPA与广告或额颞叶大叶性变性(FTLD)神经病理学。PPA由于广告神经病理学通常与lvPPA有关。语音回路功能受损是lvPPA中观察到,数字广度向前是一个潜在的临床标记PPA由于广告神经病理学。设计/方法:14名PPA患者(9 lvPPA 3软羊革,2 svPPA),诊断根据公布的标准,分类使用autopsy-validated CSF t-tau / a -β-淀粉样蛋白比例截止> 0.34有可能广告(10位病人:9 lvPPA 1软羊革)或可能FTLD(4病人:2软羊革,2 svPPA)病理变化。我们获得t1加权结构3 t MRI, 18 f-florbetaben淀粉pet, 18 f-flortaucipir tau-PET,和数字广度任务。18 f-florbetaben和18 f-flortaucipir标准摄入值比率(SUVRs)计算使用小脑引用区域不包括齿状和顶核,和计算的意思是SUVRs lvPPA区域(ROI)包括左后颞、中间暂时和角脑回。结果:接受者操作特征分析表明,与现有文献一致,18 f-florbetaben意味着SUVR lvPPA ROI的收敛与广告脑脊液生物标志物(敏感性100%,特异性100%,曲线下面积(AUC) = 1.00)。数字广度提出敏感(90%),但没有特定的(50%)可能AD病理(AUC = 0.94);一个likely-AD lvPPA病人和两个likely-FTLD病人分类错误(1)光面,1 svPPA)。18 f-flortaucipir提高特异性(敏感性90%,特异性100%,AUC = 0.95);只有likely-AD光面病人被误诊。Conclusions: In PPA, digit span forward is an inexpensive screening clinical marker sensitive to likely AD pathology, and amyloid- and tau-PET imaging improve specificity.Disclosure: Dr. Roll has nothing to disclose. Dr. Grossman has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with GE Whitney. Dr. Grossman has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Neurology. Dr. Grossman has received research support from Biogen. Dr. Ungrady has nothing to disclose. Dr. Vaddi has nothing to disclose. Dr. Dominguez-Perez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Cousins has nothing to disclose. Dr. McMillan has nothing to disclose. Dr. Nasrallah has received research support from Avid Radiopharmaceuticals. Dr. Irwin has nothing to disclose. Dr. Phillips has nothing to disclose. %U