TY - T1的量化检测车辆的真实的生活空间与认知老化(p4.1 - 029)司机JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 92 - 15补充SP - p4.1 - 029 AU -珍妮弗Merickel盟艾米丽Frankel AU -马修·里佐Y1 - 2019/04首页/09 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/92/15_supplement/p4.1 - 029. -抽象N2 -目标:我们的目标是保持独立和移动患者与年龄相关的下降。背景:与年龄相关的知觉、认知和运动减少损害病人流动,增加抑郁、社会隔离、照顾者的负担。生活空间问卷(LSQ)索引流动性和驾驶模式通过病人自我报告和有关认知和抑郁症状。问题是,患者与年龄相关的认知下降可能缺乏自我意识,导致不准确的自我报告和限制LSQ的预测效用。设计/方法:我们开发了一种新颖的方法来量化实际LS反向地理编码使用GPS(全球定位系统)驱动数据和家庭地址衰老的司机(年龄在65 - 90年,μ= 76)。司机显示一系列标准化的神经心理学的认知能力测量工具。连续数据(3个月;29484驱动;收集180481英里)从司机的车辆和受试者相比LSQ项查询地点自己开车去。我们测试的假设自述驾驶LS与客观、真实的LS车载传感器数据。结果:自我驱动程序LS,基于对象的位置自己开车去,相关的所有物品LSQ分数(术中r = 0.45, 0.001)。自我驱动LS是类似于客观的LS在只有32%的司机。 Differences between self-reported LS and objective LS were largest in drivers who self-reported the highest or lowest LS (over- and under-reporting; r=0.75, p<0.0001).Conclusions: Self-report may not accurately represent driver mobility and risk. Subjective reports of LS can differ widely from measurements of real-world mobility, underscoring the advantage of objective assessments of age-related decline in the real world. Driver behavior monitoring using in-vehicle sensor technology shows promise for early-detection of LS decline, which is common in patients with neurodegenerative diseases. These tools can be continuously deployed over extended time-frames, in remote and rural settings, and in patients who lack ready access to neurological care, in line with “my car the doctor”.Disclosure: Dr. Merickel has nothing to disclose. Dr. Frankel has nothing to disclose. Dr. Rizzo has nothing to disclose. ER -