TY - T1的敏感性在脑脊液细胞计数和蛋白质的自身免疫性脑炎的诊断(p2.2 - 002) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 92 - 15补充SP - p2.2 - 002 AU -朱利安赫伯特盟Priti Gros AU -萨拉Lapointe AU -克劳德Steri首页ade盟盟格雷戈里·s .天——凯瑟琳·莫里斯盟Richard a . Wennberg AU -大卫·f·Tang-Wai Y1 - 2019/04/09 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/92/15_supplement/p2.2 - 002. -抽象N2 -目的:确定的敏感性升高脑脊液(CSF)细胞计数和蛋白质的自身免疫性脑炎的诊断。背景:与明确的自身免疫性脑炎相关自身抗体的数量明显增加了在过去的十年。然而,延迟获取结果意味着必须作出治疗决定之前返回结果。高架CSF细胞计数和蛋白质分析可能支持临床诊断和通知早期治疗的决定。设计/方法:我们回顾性分析了脑脊液白细胞计数升高的敏感性(在5 / mm3)和蛋白质(protein> 450 mg / dL)的患者或antibody-negative但可能自身免疫性脑炎,概述在共识临床标准(格劳et al . 2016年)。结果:62名患者被诊断出患有自身免疫性脑炎自2012年以来大学健康网络(多伦多)自身免疫性脑炎诊所。47名患者在腰椎穿刺获得信息之前,接收抗体检测结果。中位数时间从出现症状到腰椎穿刺是50天;63%的腰椎穿刺进行90天内从出现症状(范围:0 - 2034)。从入学到腰椎穿刺的平均时间为4天(范围:0 - 437);14天内82%的腰椎穿刺进行录取。所有患者症状时CSF。中位数(95%可信区间[CI])白细胞计数是4 (2 - 8)/ mm3和蛋白质为0.37 mg / dL (0.31 - -0.55)。 Pleocytosis was present in 46.8% (95% CI: 25.9–67.7) and elevated protein was detected in 40.0% (95% CI: 17.1–62.9). White cells and protein were both elevated in 24.4% (95% CI: 6.7–42.1) of cases.Conclusions: The sensitivity of the combination of elevated CSF cell count and protein at presentation for detection of definite or probable autoimmune encephalitis is relatively low. Clinicians should use other ancillary tests and clinical judgement when making clinical decisions prior to receiving the results of autoantibody testing.Disclosure: Dr. Hebert has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gros has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lapointe has nothing to disclose. Dr. Steriade has nothing to disclose. Dr. Day has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with DynaMed (EBSCO Health).Dr. Day holds stock and/or stock options in ANI Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Maurice has nothing to disclose. Dr. Wennberg has nothing to disclose. Dr. Tang-Wai has nothing to disclose. ER -