TY - T1的肥胖悖论特征从急性缺血性中风的结果:证据来自1033个病人(p3.3 - 031) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 92 - 15补充SP - p3.3 - 031 AU - Zuolu刘盟合作伙伴Sanossian AU -西德尼·斯达克曼首页AU -斯科特·汉密尔顿AU -吉尔达Avila-Rinek AU -大卫Liebeskind盟Latisha k Sharma AU - Marc Eckstein AU -塞缪尔·斯垂顿盟-罗宾Conwit AU -杰弗里节省Y1 - 2019/04/09 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/92/15_supplement/p3.3 - 031. -抽象N2 -目的:描绘身体质量指数(BMI)之间的关系和90天的结果在一个大的急性缺血性中风患者(AIS)。背景:个体的生存优势高身体质量指数已经观察到不同的急性疾病,称为“肥胖悖论。“前中风研究肥胖悖论现象的动力不足,并且产生了一些混合的结果。设计/方法:我们分析了AIS患者参与多中心NIH FAST-MAG急性中风试验。结果在3个月分析:(1)死亡;(2)残疾或死亡(改良Rankin规模,夫人2 - 6);和(3)低中风患者生活质量(中风影响规模,姐姐& lt; 70)。与体重指数的关系分析了单变量和多变量模型调整为12额外预后变量。结果:在1033 AIS患者中,年龄是71 y(±13), 45.1%女性,署10.6(±8.3),体重指数27.5 (±5.6)。死亡风险下降线性较高的BMI(身体质量指数为连续变量:未经调整p = 0.02, p = 0.004)调整,优势比(调整)死亡率在下降体重过轻的体重指数类别,正常,超重,肥胖,和严重肥胖:1.67(0.57 - -4.88),0.85(0.53 - -1.36),0.54(0.29 - -1.04),和0.38(0.16 - -0.88),残疾的风险有一个u型与BMI(二次p = 0.02)。优势比为减持残疾或死亡,正常,超重,肥胖,和严重肥胖拒绝通过前4类:1.19,1.00,0.78,0.72,0,96。这个关系是减毒后调整为其他预后因素(p = 0.27)。相似,但无意义的、趋势被认为低中风患者的生活质量。结论:结果从急性缺血性中风的特征是一个肥胖悖论:BMI升高与降低3个月死亡率,并减少在大多数残疾,体重范围。 Potential mechanisms including nutritional reserve aiding survival during prolonged illness and greater frequency of atherosclerotic than thromboembolic infarcts in individuals with higher body mass.Disclosure: Dr. Liu has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sanossian has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Genentech and Medtronic. Dr. Starkman has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hamilton has nothing to disclose. Dr. Avila-Rinek has nothing to disclose. Dr. Liebeskind has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Stryker and Medtronic. Dr. Sharma has nothing to disclose. Dr. Eckstein has nothing to disclose. Dr. Stratton has nothing to disclose. Dr. Conwit has nothing to disclose. Dr. Saver has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Biogen, MedAvante, and BrainsGate. ER -