PT -期刊文章盟杰西卡Bove AU - Katheryn兄弟盟Katya Rascovsky AU -莫里格罗斯曼盟大卫欧文TI -纵向下滑词汇检索相关广告病理负担中间额,优越的进步和时间的地区失语症(p1.1 - 013) DP - 2019年4月09年TA -神经病学第六PG - p1.1 - 013 - 92 IP - 15补充4099 - // 013. - 013.短4100 - // - -全所首页以Neurology2019 4月09年;92 AB -目的:确定区域特异性的阿尔茨海默病(AD)原发性进行性失语(PPA)患者的神经病理学与词汇检索下降更快。背景:Logopenic-variant原发性进行性失语(lvPPA)是一个非典型的阿尔茨海默病(AD)的特点是词汇检索受损。然而,与广告神经病理学lvPPA仍难以区分。我们比较纵向速度下降在波士顿命名测试(BNT) PPA患者autopsy-confirmed广告和non-AD病理学和测试下降是如何预测的病理密度与词汇检索相关的地区。设计/方法:参与者包括24 autopsy-confirmed PPA患者(AD病理= 13,non-AD = 11)从佩恩额颞叶退化中心。病理严重程度分级是一个传统的0 - 3点规模与地区命名:颞(STG),角(ANG),中间额叶脑回(MFG)和控制地区视觉皮层(VIS)和扣带(c)。BNT词汇检索评估纵向。一个线性mixed-effects模型(LME)检测病理和纵向BNT性能之间的关系。LME模型相关BNT拒绝病理学在语言领域的负担。结果:BNT精度基线(t = 0.43;p = 0.66)和纵向测试时间(t =−0.64;p = 0.52)病理组之间没有差别。 LME model found PPA with AD pathology had faster rate of decline in BNT compared to PPA without AD pathology (p=0.01). Slope of BNT decline was predicted by pathology burden in the STG (t=−2.32, p=0.02), ANG (t=−2.74, p=0.01), and MFG (t=−2.6, p=0.01) but not in the non-language VIS or CING. PPA patients with AD pathology have greater pathology burden in regions related to naming than non-AD PPA patients (p<0.05).Conclusions: Naming declines significantly faster in PPA with AD pathology. Decline in BNT performance is predicted by pathology burden in the naming network, and AD pathology burden in these regions is related to faster antemortem lexical retrieval declines in PPA compared to other pathologies.Disclosure: Dr. Bove has nothing to disclose. Dr. Cousins has nothing to disclose. Dr. Rascovsky has nothing to disclose. Dr. Grossman has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with GE Whitney. Dr. Grossman has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Neurology. Dr. Grossman has received research support from Biogen. Dr. Irwin has nothing to disclose.