RT期刊文章SR电子T1过渡的护理从孩子到成人神经学家:实现儿童和成人神经学家和金融策略(p5.9 - 067)摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP p5.9 - 067签证官92 15 A1补充安布鲁斯·科恩A1 Tilton A1尼尔商业A1劳伦斯布朗年2019 UL http://n.neuro首页logy.org/content/92/15_supplement/p5.9 - 067. -文摘AB目的:护理的儿童神经病学过渡到成人神经病学一致报告,实践是一个寿命问题和挑战,因为和几个物流的原因。孩子神经学基础(CN首页F)转换项目顾问委员会寻求与编码和补偿策略,加强现有资源使用的儿童和成人的神经学家。背景:CNF创建了一个框架来指导儿童神经病学团队开始讨论早期的过渡。首页神经学家的共识声明中所扮演的角色在支持过渡到成人健康护理(2016)支持河畔,AAP AES和中枢神经系统。设计/方法:声明标识8共同原则,作为一个基本的框架来开发资源使用在实践中帮助成功的转换。原则被用来进行供应商;通过调查和焦点小组,感染儿童和成人的神经学家。CNF寻求父/照顾者的角度通过焦点小组和调查、整合原则”的主题。结果:感染儿童神经学家的调查发现大多数“保持”患者> 22岁年龄(92% w /分> 18岁);和大多数报告成功过渡由于:1)找不到成人提供者接受病人;2)家庭的抗转移;3)家庭请求推迟转移。 Survey of AAN adult neurologists: Never/rarely received transition document or formal transfer letter; rarely/never discussed patient w/child neurologist. Focus group: 80%/66% of child/adult neurologists, want materials on transitions; 66%/68% of child/ adult neurologists, want to be involved in future transitions trainings or efforts. Family project results: families not being advised of transitions until much later than the recommended.Conclusions: Successful transitions continue to be a challenge for child neurologists, adult neurologists and the patients and families they serve. Understanding the constraints of stakeholders, available resources and insight into how coding strategies, used in concert with such resources, will ease the transition challenges from child to adult neurologist can facilitate successful transitions.Disclosure: Dr. Cohen has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Stealth Biotheraputics, Modis (aka Meves) Pharmaceuticals, AAN for CPT Consulting and Educational Activities. Dr. Cohen has received research support from Stealth Biotherapeutics, BioElectron Technologies, Reata Pharmaceuticals, Horizon Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Tilton has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Ipsen Pharma. Dr. Tilton has received research support from Ipsen Pharma. Dr. Busis has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with AAN. Dr. Brown has nothing to disclose.