@article{朗姆酒{\ \我}p3.2 - 069,作者= {Luna Fuentes朗姆酒{\ ' \我},何塞玛丽亚卡布瑞拉Maqueda和酯卡伦Guarnizo Rocio埃尔南德斯克莱尔和Maria Teresa Alba Isasi朱利安·巴斯克斯洛伦佐和加布里埃尔·巴斯克斯洛伦佐和安娜酯Baidez格雷罗州和莫伊塞斯莫拉莱斯de la Prida玛丽亚canova伊涅斯塔和朱迪思·希门尼斯Veiga Adelaida利昂·埃尔南德斯堡委拉斯开兹马林和华金Zamarro Parra堡伊涅斯塔马丁内斯和安娜莫拉莱斯Ortiz何塞台面式晶体管Lallana}, title ={分析疾病活动返回natalizumab撤军后多发性硬化症(p3.2 - 069)},体积={92}={15}补充数量,elocation-id = {p3.2 - 069} ={2019},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:评估临床疾病活动停止后natalizumab疗法。首页背景:在多发性硬化症(MS) natalizumab (NTZ)撤军可能导致{\ textquotedblright} {\ textquotedblleft}反弹的炎症活动定义为严重的复发和MRI异常高的炎症活动。在我们中心两个不同的时间表与静脉注射metilprednisolone女士(IVMP)建立了以减少反弹的概率。设计/方法:回顾性分析患者NTZ在2年以上,2012年1月至2017年1月停止无效或安全原因。患者接受两个时间表NTZ-washout期限内(WP):第一级(2013年2012年{\ textendash}): 3个月WP。1、2和3 IVMP克,每月分别。表2 (2014 {\ textendash} 2016): 2个月WP。1和2分别IVMP克每个月。十天后每一计划,新的疾病修饰治疗(DMT)发起。临床和MRI评估(新/扩大T2和钆增强病灶)进行3日,6日,12日,NTZ-washout后24个月。结果:50例停用NTZ分析时期(68 \ %的女性,平均年龄年- 37.76 + / - -10.88,意味着eds 3.7 + / - -1.73)。新DMT fingolimod在77.6 \ %。Annualized relapse rate (ARR) at 6th month was 0.32+/-0.84; MRI activity was observed in 25\% of patients and {\textquotedblleft}rebound{\textquotedblright} criteria only in 10\% (n=5). ARR during WP was 0.1+/-0.7. No differences of clinical and MRI activity between both schedules was observed.Rebound was found in younger patients and was associated with higher ARR during the two years after NTZ and a higher presence of MRI activity at 3rd and 12th months, with no differences in EDSS scores after two years of follow-up. Neither pre-NTZ ARR nor new DMT was associated with rebound.Conclusions: Both IVMP schedules during WP was well tolerated and rebound was observed in only 10\% of cases. In our study, IVMP could have reduced the possibility of rebound since in other series the proportion is higher.Disclosure: Dr. Fuentes Rumi has nothing to disclose. Dr. Cabrera Maqueda has nothing to disclose. Dr. Carreon Guarnizo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hernandez Clares has nothing to disclose. Dr. Alba Isasi has nothing to disclose. Dr. V{\'a}zquez Lorenzo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Valero L{\'o}pez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Baidez Guerrero has nothing to disclose. Dr. Morales de la Prida has nothing to disclose. Dr. Canovas Iniesta has nothing to disclose. Dr. Jimenez Veiga has nothing to disclose. Dr. Le{\'o}n Hern{\'a}ndez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Velaquez Marin has nothing to disclose. Dr. Zamarro Parra has nothing to disclose. Dr. Iniesta-Mart{\'\i}nez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Morales Ortiz has nothing to disclose. Dr. Meca Lallana has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Almirall, Biogen, Genzyme, Merck Serono, Novartis, Roche and Teva.}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/92/15_Supplement/P3.2-069}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }