% 0《约翰•克利斯朵夫%条Corvol %一个佛罗伦萨Cormier-Dequaire范妮玆哲% %一个弗兰克Durif Olivier Rascol % %一个帕斯卡Derkinderen % % Ana-Raquel品牌弗雷德里克·伯尔顿%同意一个让-菲利普•Brandel %费尔南多微微% Lucette Lacomblez % Christine Brefel-Courbon引擎盖塞西莉亚% % Fabienne Ory-Magne %一个大卫Grabli % Stephan Klebe %格拉Mangone % Valerie Mesnage Hana你% % Pei-Chen李%一个玛丽Vidailhet Alexis布赖斯% %亚历克西斯巴兹% DIGPD研究组% T纵向分析冲动控制障碍的帕金森病% D R 10.1212 / WNL 2018%。0000000000005816 % J首页神经病学% P e189-e201 % V 91% N 3% X目的探讨多巴胺替代治疗之间的纵向量效关系和冲动控制障碍(ICDs)在帕金森病(PD)。方法我们使用数据从一个多中心纵向连续的PD患者病程≤5年在基线每年随访5年。接口控制文件进行评估与运动障碍专家面对面的半结构式访谈。广义估计方程和泊松稳健方差模型用于研究之间的联系几个时间的定义使用多巴胺受体激动剂(DA),考虑到治疗剂量和持续时间,并在每一次访问接口控制文件。其他抗帕金森病的药物也被检查。结果在411例患者(40.6%女性,平均年龄62.3岁,平均随访3.3年,SD 1.7年),356(86.6%)至少一次的DA因为疾病发作。在306名患者没有ICDs基线,ICDs 5年累积发病率为46.1%(95%可信区间(CI) 37.4 - -55.7,达用户51.5% (95% CI 41.8 - -62.1), DA从未用户12.4% (95% CI 4.8 - -30.0))。ICD在基线患病率从19.7%上升到32.8%后5年。ICDs与以往有关DA使用(比率4.23,95% CI 1.78 - -10.09)。一生平均每日剂量和治疗持续时间分别与ICDs有关明显的量效关系。类似的分析左旋多巴不支持一个强大的协会。 ICDs progressively resolved after DA discontinuation.Conclusion In this longitudinal study of patients with PD characterized by a high prevalence of DA treatment, the 5-year cumulative incidence of ICDs was ≈46%. ICDs were strongly associated with DA use with a dose-effect relationship; both increasing duration and dose were associated with ICDs. ICDs progressively resolved after DA discontinuation.ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01564992.CI=confidence interval; DA=dopamine agonist; DBS=deep brain stimulation; DIGPD=Drug Interaction With Genes in Parkinson's Disease; ER=extended-release; FU=follow-up; GEE=generalized estimating equation; ICARUS=Impulse Control Disorders and the Association of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms, Cognition and Quality of Life in Parkinson Disease; ICD=impulse control disorder; LD=levodopa; MDS-UPDRS=Movement Disorder Society Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale; PD=Parkinson disease; PR=prevalence ratio; QIC=quasi-information criterion %U //www.ez-admanager.com/content/neurology/91/3/e189.full.pdf