TY -的T1 -亚油酸和多发性硬化症JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - 1441 LP - 1441 - 10.首页1212 / WNL.34.11.1441六世- 34 - 11盟——罗伯特·h·德沃金AU -大卫·贝茨盟J.H.D.米勒AU -唐纳德w .徽章Y1 - 1984/11/01 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/34/11/1441.abstract N2 -亚油酸的数据从三个双盲试验治疗多发性硬化症(MS)是重新分析检查结果不一致是否由于病人特点和治疗反应之间的关系。合并后的数据由神经系统评估超过2/1,87 2年试验治疗病人和85个对照组。Treated patients with minimal or no disability at entry had a smaller increase in disability than did controls (P < 0.05). In addition, treatment reduced the severity and duration of relapses at all levels of disability and duration of illness at entry to the trials. ER -