TY -的T1 -第一次发作的发病率,新诊断癫痫和癫痫模仿在科克,爱尔兰;一个流行病学协议(P1.126) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 90 - 15首页补充SP - P1.126盟eim马宏升盟Eilis O ' reilly盟——丹尼尔·科斯特洛Y1 - 2018/04/10 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/90/15_Supplement/P1.126.abstract N2 -目的:确定第一次发作的发病率,新诊断癫痫和癫痫模仿软木市、县(人口550000)估计在2017年使用最新的国际抗癫痫联盟(ILAE)指导方针和定义。背景:发病率研究提供有价值的信息在癫痫的病因学和自然历史人口。癫痫的发病率并没有调查到目前为止在爱尔兰。我们提出的临时报告数据和大纲的前三个月我们严格的研究方案。设计/方法:我们应用多个重叠的情况下确定方法研究人口从2017年1月1日首先识别所有疑似患者癫痫发作或新诊断癫痫。新生儿癫痫发作和发热性癫痫发作被排除在外。紧急情况确定方法包括每天审查部门(ED)分流,放射学,脑电图数据库、神经科门诊/住院部门、神经外科病房里,老年病房、肿瘤科病房,儿科服务和社区监测通过惯例和住宅保健设施的调查。首页结果:二百六十例符合入选标准的前三个月的数据收集(Jan-Mar 2017)。脑电图数据库审查小说产生了最大数量的情况下(18%,n = 47);48% (n = 125)的病例由多个源的情况下确定。25% (n = 65)的情况下满足标准明确的新诊断癫痫; 24% (n=62) of cases were first unprovoked seizures, of whom 74% (n=46) were also diagnosed with epilepsy; 13% (n=35) of patients had a first provoked seizure; 37% (n=96) were seizure mimics and 3% (n=9) of cases were inconclusive.Conclusions: We present a rigorous study protocol, which is adherent to ILAE recommendations, for the investigation of the incidence of first seizures, new diagnosis of epilepsy and seizure mimics in our study population and present interim results for the first three months of data collection.Disclosure: Dr. Maloney has nothing to disclose. Dr. Maloney has nothing to disclose. Dr. Costello has nothing to disclose. ER -