作者@article {MolinaP2.386 = {Estefan{\ \我}Garc{\ \我}莫利纳,盖伯瑞尔瓦莱罗能源L {\ ' o}派司,安娜以斯帖Baidez格雷罗州和乔斯{}\ ' e·迪亚兹P {\ ' e}资源文件格式和卢娜Fuentes朗姆酒{\ \我}和何塞Mar{\ ' \我}卡布瑞拉Maqueda Rocio埃尔南德斯克莱尔和酯卡伦Guarnizo和何塞台面式晶体管Lallana}, title ={多发性硬化症的患病率和特殊的特点,老年人开始(P2.386)},体积={90},数量={15}补充,elocation-id = {P2.386} ={2018},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:本研究的目的是审查患病率,演讲中,特殊的临床特点和认知障碍的患病率迟发性多发性硬化症(lom)。首页背景:多发性硬化症(MS)通常上市20 {\ textendash} 40岁之间;然而,50岁后的第一个症状可能发生(归类为lom),和这个年龄段的特点可以不同于年轻的病人。设计/方法:回顾性研究450 MS患者建立包括根据难题或麦当劳标准,选择那些年龄超过50年,回顾他们的人口统计特征、首次发作症状,诊断延迟,残疾的诊断(eds)、发展指数(PI),疾病,认知障碍,发现在脑脊液和核磁共振的研究中,和治疗。结果:21 lom患者(4、7 \ %),总数的450 MS患者,诊断在1982年和2016年之间。15(71 \ %)女性和男性6 (29 \ %)。在发病平均年龄是53 (SD {\ textpm} 3、4)。最常见的第一个症状是电动机赤字(52 \ %),其次是脑干障碍(24 \ %),和感觉赤字(10 \ %)。临床过程是在42 \ %复发缓和(RR),在38 \ %主要进步(PP)和19 \ %次要进步(SP)。最初的eds得分是3分,7 (SD {\ textpm} 1、8)。的意思是π是0,48。诊断延迟的意思是52个月。 The brain MRI has 3 nine lesions in 86\%, and spine MRI has 3 three lesions in 52\%. IgG oligoclonal bands were positive in 71\% of patients in the CSF study. In addition 5 out of 21 (31\%) patients had suffered a major depressive episode and 44\% had cognitive impairment. In six cases there was a previous wrong diagnosis, being the most frequent the spondyloartrhitic cervical myelopathy.Conclusions: In our series the prevalence of LOMS is similar to other, the most common type is RR but PP is more frequent than in another younger groups, and the cognitive impairment is similar to general MS population.Disclosure: Dr. Valero L{\'o}pez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Valero L{\'o}pez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Baidez Guerrero has nothing to disclose. Dr. Diaz Perez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fuentes Rumi has nothing to disclose. Dr. Cabrera Maqueda has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hernandez Clares has nothing to disclose. Dr. Carreon Guarnizo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Meca Lallana has nothing to disclose.}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/90/15_Supplement/P2.386}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }