RT期刊文章SR电子T1罕见的恶性转化的表皮样囊肿(P6.101)摩根富林明神经病学神经学乔FD Lippincott Williams &威尔金斯SP P6.101 VO 90 15补充A1亚历山大首页Ou A1瑞安总数A1阿格涅斯卡Kowalska A1 Patricia Coyle年2018 UL //www.ez-admanager.com/content/90/15_Supplement/P6.101.abstract AB目的:描述一例少见的恶性转化的previously-resected表皮样囊肿。背景:表皮样囊肿是无痛性肿瘤占所有颅内肿瘤的1%。他们通常是发现在基底蛛网膜下腔水箱和心室。在MRI天赋hypointense, diffusion-weighted成像(驾车)hyperintense并显示较高的表观扩散系数(ADC)脑组织。恶性转变是临床上怀疑当患者出现复发或快速进行性神经系统症状和体征。这可能发生在任何时间间隔3个月几十年。这些肿瘤可能会局部加强,出现醉酒驾车hypointense由于中央坏死,并与脑水肿迅速增长。一旦怀疑,组织诊断是至关重要的异物巨细胞反应可以在成像模拟癌的样子。后续治疗方案中心手术切除,辅助化疗或放疗。设计/方法:案例reportResults:一个71岁的女人,有一个正确的小脑表皮样囊肿切除25年之前,向应急部门与渐进性共济失调步态和右面部麻痹。沿着正确的后外侧的MRI表现出multi-loculated质量小脑凸性扩展到三叉,面部和蜗神经。 It was resected. Pathology showed squamous cell carcinoma, and she began receiving radiation. Several weeks later she presented with worsening vertigo, urinary incontinence and delirium. The tumor had recurred and was now causing hydrocephalus. She was eventually transitioned to hospice care.Conclusions: Epidermoid cysts are uncommon intracranial neoplasms that even more rarely transform. Malignant transformation is suspected with recurrent or rapidly progressive neurological signs and symptoms and imaging. The delay between resection of an epidermoid cyst and transformation can be prolonged. Treatment centers on surgical resection followed by adjuvant chemo- or radiotherapy.Study Supported by: Not applicableDisclosure: Dr. Ou has nothing to disclose. Dr. Heslin has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kowalska has nothing to disclose. Dr. Coyle has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Consulting fees (AbbVie, Accordant, Acorda, Bayer, Biogen Idec, Celgene, Genentech/Roche, Genzyme/Sanofi, Novartis, Serono, Teva). Dr. Coyle has received research support from Research support (Actelion, Alkermes, Genentech/Roche, MedDay, NINDS, Novartis, Opexa).