PT -期刊文章盟-大卫·g·穆尼奥斯AU -茱莉亚金盟——汤姆·a·施魏策尔盟科琳·e·菲舍尔TI -结构性基础认知正常受试者患有严重精神病的阿尔茨海默氏症病理(P1.182) DP - 2018年4月10 TA -神经病学PG - P1.182 VI - 90 IP - 15补充4099 - // 4100 - http://n.neurolo首页所以Neurology2018 4月10;90 AB -目的:研究精神病的病理基质在阿尔茨海默病(AD)患者在缺乏认知恶化。背景:尽管严重的AD病理,相当数量的个人认知完好无损。精神病,包括错觉和幻觉都是常见的广告和不同的症状。然而,病理和精神病的患病率无症状的认知相关科目仍有待调查。设计/方法:数据从国家获得阿尔茨海默病协调中心。细微精神状态检查受试者(MMSE) 24分或更高版本和严重的广告病理被定义为cASYM,分为那些频繁神经炎的斑块(NPcASYM)和那些Braak& Braak V / VI (NTcASYM)阶段。神经精神病学的库存问卷被用来确定精神病的存在。精神病患病率cASYM组分析与认知正常受试者没有/稀疏神经炎的斑块和Braak& Braak阶段0 / I / II。结果:3106例尸检数据收集在两年内最后的临床评估,324和697年MMSE评分。其中,174人cASYM (137 NPcASYM 96 NTcASYM, 59)。神经炎的斑块的严重性,但不是neurofibillary缠结与增加有关精神病的可能性。具体地说,精神病的患病率明显高于在NPcASYM(20%)相比,受试者没有/稀疏神经炎的斑块(10%),年龄最后临床访问和死亡年龄(p = 0.002)。 This was true for both men and women. There was no association between psychosis and the presence of Lewy body pathology or vascular lesions.Conclusions: The density of neuritic plaques is associated with a higher risk of psychosis in subjects with no cognitive symptoms, but the other aspect of AD pathology, neurofibrillary tangles is not. Neither presence of Lewy bodies nor vascular lesions reached significance in the presence of severe AD pathology and intact cognition.Study Supported by:Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).Disclosure: Dr. Munoz has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kim has nothing to disclose. Dr. Schweizer has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fischer has nothing to disclose.