TY - T1的进化为重症肌无力胸腺切除术的临床结果(P6.441) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 90 - 15补充SP - P6.441盟何塞玛丽亚卡布瑞拉Maqueda盟——特蕾莎修首页女Alba Isasi AU -卡门·玛丽亚·桑切斯接着说下去!盟Andres阿罗约特里斯坦AU -弗朗西斯科马丁内斯加西亚AU -何塞·梅卡Lallana盟Rocio埃尔南德斯克莱尔Y1 - 2018/04/10 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/90/15_Supplement/P6.441.abstract N2 -目的:描述临床资料和区分胸腺切除术的临床结果重症肌无力(MG)患者在用作de la Arrixaca Universitary医院。背景:胸腺切除术是表示在所有MG胸腺瘤患者无论MG的地位和对病人年龄& lt;与nonthymomatous 60年,广义乙酰胆碱受体(乙酰胆碱受体)antibody-associated毫克或广义serogenative毫克。设计/方法:回顾性研究2006 - 2016年的胸腺切除术是由一个单一的机构的执行。美国使用Myastenia型基金会(MGFA)干预状态分类,完成稳定的缓解,药物缓解和最小Manifestatios和改进被定义为好的临床结果(GCO)和改变,更糟糕的是,恶化或死于MG作为临床疗效不佳(PCO)。结果:46个连续MG胸腺切除术,女性占71.7%(33),平均年龄37岁±11年。胸腺切除术后1年,13 PCO组(34岁的2%)和25 GCO(62年8%)。使用MGFA临床分类,在诊断时没有显著差异(p = 0509)期间或治疗手术后第一年(p = 0.107)。在单变量分析,没有发现显著差异在纵隔成像(或3.929;95%置信区间,0.710 - -21.749),手术方法(或1.333;95%置信区间,0.194 - -9.186)和乙酰胆碱受体antibody-associated(或2.471;95%可信区间,0.250 - -24.463)。早期手术干预是PCO病人比GCO组(8% vs 12%; p=0,004). Thymomatous myasthenia was associated with poor clinical outcome a year after surgical intervention (OR 4.286; 95% CI, 0.928–19.796). After 10 years of follow-up, 32 (78%) patients reached a favourable outcome and thymoma was not correlated (OR 1.643; 95% CI, 0.324–8.333).Conclusions: We provide evidence that the benefit of thymectomy is not immediate and it may be related with thymoma presence.Disclosure: Dr. Cabrera Maqueda has nothing to disclose. Dr. Cabrera Maqueda has nothing to disclose. Dr. Garnés has nothing to disclose. Dr. Arroyo Tristan has nothing to disclose. Dr. Martinez Garcia has nothing to disclose. Dr. Meca Lallana has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hernandez Clares has nothing to disclose. ER -