PT -期刊文章盟罗纳德•拉扎尔AU -弗吉尼亚Wadley AU -伦道夫·马歇尔盟-乔治·霍华德非盟-维吉尼亚霍华德盟-詹姆斯Meschia AU -珍妮弗Voeks AU -丫元盟Brajesh Lal盟盟——唐纳德·赫克盟——迈克尔·琼斯-托马斯王硕TI基线的参与者认知功能无症状的颈动脉狭窄的颈动脉血管再生和医疗管理试验(Crest-2) (S50.007) DP - 2018年4月10 TA -神经病学PG - S50.007 VI - 90 IP - 15补充4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2018 4月10;首页90 AB -目的:通过电话确定基线认知评估个体CREST-2无症状颈动脉闭塞性疾病。背景:CREST-2招收nondemented成人远程与高档无症状或症状性动脉粥样硬化性狭窄。参与者进行认知评估血管再生之前或开始密集的医疗管理,定期随访。最小化评估认知的变化在120年CREST-2中心,我们雇佣的校内电话评估,基于以人群为基础的队列研究。在这里,我们的目标是确定认知障碍的患病率在基线CREST-2参与者。设计/方法:数据来自第一207患者完整的统计数据和基线认知评估登记在49个研究地点。我们使用的问候协议CERAD单词表学习(WL-L)和延迟回忆(WL-Delay),和单词流利的字母“F”和动物的名字。使用普通人群样本将规范(N> 23000),我们计算z得分为每个CREST-2减去平均评分测试的年龄性别匹配视参与者从CREST-2分数,并除以SD问好。百分位数(第95、75、50、25日和5日)的z分数CREST-2参与者然后相比预期标准正态分布的百分位数。结果:在CREST-2,平均年龄是69岁,58.5%,和51.7%左狭窄。WL-L CREST-2意味着分数,WL-Delay,“F”从z分数明显低于预测视参与者(& lt p = 0.024, 0.0001, 0.0039)。 Similarly, the distributions of observed Z-scores were skewed significantly lower for these tests for nearly all percentiles. Only Animal Naming was not significantly different from REGARDS.Conclusions: CREST-2 participants had significantly lower baseline cognitive scores than the general population. These data support the sensitivity of a telephone-based test battery in measuring cognitive function, and justify its use and relevance in the CREST-H (hemodynamics) subset with cerebral hypoperfusion for hypothesized cognitive improvement with revascularization.Disclosure: Dr. Lazar has nothing to disclose. Dr. Wadley has nothing to disclose. Dr. Marshall has nothing to disclose. Dr. Howard has nothing to disclose. Dr. Howard has nothing to disclose. Dr. Meschia has nothing to disclose. Dr. Voeks has nothing to disclose. Dr. Yuan has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lal has nothing to disclose. Dr. Heck has nothing to disclose. Dr. Jones has nothing to disclose. Dr. Brott has nothing to disclose.