% 0期刊文章%一个男性吉莉安艾德森% Neishay Ayub % Ka-wai何鸿燊%林凯蒂·斯莱姆% % Sandeep Kumar % Magdy Pushpa Narayanaswami % T中风统计:通知系统住院急性中风(P3.163) % D J神经病学2018% % P P3.163 % V 90% N 15补充% X目的::1)评估现有的管理协议和延迟的决定因素在急性中风住院病人评估。首页2)对住院code-stroke标准化协议。3)评估新的住院code-stroke协议的有效性,“中风Stat。”背景:好了,住院急性中风延迟评价和更糟糕的结果。我们医院有两个单独的住院校园使及时评估和成像具有挑战性。此外,我们的分页系统的复杂性使其不清楚其他临床神经病学居民应分页急性中风住院病人评估。首页设计/方法:11/2016到6/2017之间,时间,收件人,和内容的页面为所有住院病人code-strokes记录。在6/2017,我们进行了程序的教育项目为临床医师和护理人员关于识别急性中风和介绍我们的新协议”中风Stat。“这是一个单页的通知系统,同时提醒中风的人,神经病学居民,CT技术专家,和护士经理校园。首页中风Stat 7/1/2017上实现,我们评估页面质量和notification-to-imaging 7/1/2017之前和之后的时间。结果:在11/2016和6/2017,84住院code-stroke页记录随时间在30/84的情况下可用的页面。页面被送到错误的收件人在35/84例(43%),缺乏相关的患者信息在34/37 (92%)。六个“中风统计”页面被激活在7/2017和9/2017和所有通知适当的团队成员提供充分的信息。Notification-to-imaging时间减少从平均29.4分钟(4 - 67)前“中风统计”19.8分钟(范围5-46)干预后(平均差9.9分钟,95% CI−3 - 22.9,不重要,不精确的,小样本)。 Data collection and analyses are ongoing.Conclusions: We developed “Stroke Stat” as a potential protocol for timely management of inpatient acute strokes. Updated analyses of effectiveness of “Stroke-Stat” will be presented.Disclosure: Dr. Alderson has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ayub has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ho has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lin has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kumar has nothing to disclose. Dr. Selim has nothing to disclose. Dr. Narayanaswami has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with expert medical reports for Advanced Medical, Serve on Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee of Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA. Dr. Narayanaswami has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Associate Editor, Muscle and Nerve. %U