@article {NinanP3.217作者={森尼南Nadege Gilles和杰里米·Weedon Clotilde Balucani和乔纳森歌手和苏珊法律和史蒂文·莱文},title ={运动障碍和缺乏功能独立的预测因子在中风后抑郁症患者(P3.217)},体积={90}={15}补充数量,elocation-id = {P3.217} ={2018},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:检查之间的关系缺乏独立功能和运动损伤的程度与中风病人抑郁的严重程度。首页背景:缺乏独立和运动损伤的水平中风后可以在患者{\ textquoteright}有重大影响心理健康。研究这种关系将有助于阐明中风后抑郁的主要因素及其相关的临床结果。设计/方法:我们招募病人> = 18岁的纽约州立大学州南部医学中心(纽约州立大学)卒中单元。问卷评估中风后疲劳的措施。改良Rankin规模(夫人)是用来确定缺乏功能独立,署的分段是用来确定总肢体运动障碍、贝克抑郁量表(BDI)是用来确定抑郁的严重程度。线性回归分析、控制的半球位置中风和中风和间隔时间研究招生(值= 145天,标准偏差= 269天;值= 28天,差= {\ textendash} 112]。结果:79名患者被包括在模型中。线性模型中涉及分数,夫人夫人每增加1单位,BDI估计将增加0.24分(0.05 95 \ % CI, 0.44;p = 0.015)。 In the linear model involving motor impairment score, BDI was estimated to increase by 0.17 points [95\% CI 0.04, 0.31; p = 0.014]. In a supplementary linear model using multivariable regression, neither variable was a significant predictor controlling for the other.Conclusions: Both mRS and motor impairment scores have statistically significant yet weak associations with depression scores. In the supplementary model, the collinearity of the variables suggests that both motor impairment and mRS score are not independently predictive of BDI. The data suggest a need to explore other factors contributing to depression scores.Disclosure: Dr. Ninan has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gilles has nothing to disclose. Dr. Weedon has nothing to disclose. Dr. Balucani has nothing to disclose. Dr. Singer has nothing to disclose. Dr. Law has nothing to disclose. Dr. Levine has nothing to disclose.}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/90/15_Supplement/P3.217}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }