@article {McCuaigP3.221作者={伊丽莎白McCuaig和Clotilde Balucani和杰里米·Weedon Nadege Gilles辛迪谭崔和露西和乔纳森歌手苏珊法律和史蒂文·莱文},title ={β-受体阻滞药不增加中风后抑郁的风险主要在加勒比黑人人口(P3.221)},体积={90}={15}补充数量,elocation-id = {P3.221} ={2018},出版商= {Wolters Kluwer健康,公司代表美国神经病学学会},文摘={目的:探讨之间的关系β受体阻滞剂(BB)使用和中风后抑郁症在城市,主要是加勒比黑人中风群体。首页背景:抑郁症是最常见的一种神经精神障碍在缺血性中风幸存者,影响50 \ %。BB处方是常见的中风病人和BB使用和抑郁症之间的一个关联的证据是复杂的。设计/方法:观察、横断面、前瞻性研究的符合条件的非痴呆患者缺血性中风在过去3年,没有抑郁症的历史。受试者招募从住院病人卒中单元,门诊病人中风诊所(包括国王县医院),并在纽约州立大学州南部医学中心住院康复单元。人口统计资料、病史和目前的药物记录从病人医疗记录和采访。贝克抑郁评估使用{\ textquoteright}年代萧条库存(BDI)。双变量分析,Mann-Whitney测试是用来把BB用法与BDI得分。多元回归分析,建立了一般线性模型,平方根(BDI)得分作为因变量。协变量是心肌梗死史和/或冠状动脉疾病,NIH中风,和年龄。结果:83名受试者中,76(91 \ %)被加勒比黑人,47(56 \ %)是女性,平均年龄为66.9岁(SD {\ textpm} 12.7)岁。 Median (Q1,Q3) BDI score was 7 (3,10) for BB users (N=37), 5 (3,9) for no BB use (N=46) (p=0.275). Controlling for covariates (sample n=83), the difference remained non-significant (p=0.909). There were 10 patients with BDI scores over 13, indicating their depression was worse than minimal, and of these, 6 were on BB.Conclusions: BB use was not associated with a significant increase in the severity or frequency of depression in this urban, predominantly Afro-Caribbean post-stroke population.Disclosure: Dr. McCuaig has nothing to disclose. Dr. McCuaig has nothing to disclose. Dr. Weedon has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gilles has nothing to disclose. Dr. Tsui has nothing to disclose. Dr. Tan has nothing to disclose. Dr. Singer has nothing to disclose. Dr. Law has nothing to disclose. Dr. Levine has nothing to disclose.}, issn = {0028-3878}, URL = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content/90/15_Supplement/P3.221}, eprint = {//www.ez-admanager.com/content}, journal = {Neurology} }