PT期刊文章AU -弗朗西斯Chow盟合作伙伴Sanossian AU -基因唱AU -罗伊Poblete TI -医学仿真作为急性中风标准的教育:文献回顾和建议为未来实现(P3.019) DP - 2018年4月10 TA -神经病学PG - P3.019 VI - 90 IP - 15补充4099 - // 4100 - //首页lement/P3.019.full所以Neurology2018 4月10;90 AB -目的:1)全面审查文献中风医学模拟教育。2)强调中风的需要扩大使用模拟和提供未来directionsBackground:医学模拟越来越多的被实现为一个教育工具来改善急性中风管理。在欧洲,组织模拟用于提高中风协议的效率。模拟在美国培训的好处是一些抽象的主题,否则基本上仍有待研究。通过对当前文学和我们的单中心经验,我们的目标是强调医学模拟急性中风的效益管理。设计/方法:Pubmed和谷歌学术搜索查询术语:“急性中风,”“模拟”,“神经紧急情况,”和“中风教育。综述了“适当的结果和特征。在我们的中心,一年级的神经病学居民参与急性中风模拟临首页床工作开始之前。经验学习会话之前和之后进行调查。回顾、性能措施,包括door-to-needle时间,将对比居民参与模拟和那些没有在前几年。我们比较文学中描述我们的经验。Results: We identified nine manuscripts, eight abstracts, and one clinical trial underway in Germany. No large consensus statements to guide implementation of stroke simulation into medical education were found. Stroke simulation has been used sporadically in multidisciplinary and telestroke training, and resident education. Simulation is well-received and improves provider confidence; however, objective measures of benefit are lacking. At our institution, residents who participated in simulation improved their comfort in acute stroke management. Objective clinical performance measures will be retrospectively analyzed.Conclusions: Stroke simulations remain largely underutilized. Although individual groups and institutions have developed courses, simulation has not been established as standard for stroke education. Demonstrating its benefit in improving objective performance measures, including door-to-needle time, may encourage more widespread use.Disclosure: Dr. Chow has nothing to disclose. Dr Sanossian has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sung has nothing to disclose. Dr. Poblete has nothing to disclose.