多系统萎缩TY - T1的精神病(P2.119) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 90 - 15补充SP - P2.119盟Jose首页-Alberto帕尔马AU -何塞·马丁内斯AU -露西Norcliffe-Kaufmann盟霍雷肖Kaufmann Y1 - 2018/04/10 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/90/15_Supplement/P2.119.abstract N2 -目的:确定患者的精神病症状的患病率和特点多系统萎缩(MSA)。背景:精神病的症状,包括幻觉和妄想,帕金森病和老年痴呆症患者频繁路易小体。然而,精神病的患病率在MSA是未知的。设计/方法:纵向研究和基于web的病人问卷。连续可能MSA患者没有以前的历史精神疾病在纵向前瞻性观察性研究。的出现幻觉和妄想决心在一个标准化的临床访谈和量化的阳性症状量表评估帕金森病(SAPS-PD)。患者进行了全面评估视力、认知(MoCA)、运动功能和疾病严重程度(UMSARS)。网络问卷40是的/没有问题评估MSA的普遍症状,包括精神病上的项目,通过电子邮件发送于2017年4月全球MSA患者患者登记注册(GLOMSAR)。结果:连续31可能MSA患者(17人;64±8岁;MSA-P 13和14 MSA-C), 6例(19%)有精神病阳性症状包括错觉或幻觉。除了一个病人的小脑表型(MSA-C)。 Auditory hallucinations occurred in 4 patients, visual hallucinations in 4, persecutory delusions in 3, and jealousy delusions in 3. No patient reported somatic or tactile hallucinations. Psychosis symptoms were severe and refractory to treatment in 2 cases with MSA-C, both of whom died within 12 months of psychosis onset. Psychotic symptoms were not associated with levodopa or other antiparkinsonian medication treatment, visual acuity, cognitive or depression scores, or disease duration. 155 registrants with MSA, of whom 21% reported hallucinations, completed the web-based registry.Conclusions: Psychotic symptoms occur in around 20% of patients with MSA, the vast majority of whom have MSA-C. Severe refractory psychotic symptoms appear to be associated with poor prognosis.Study Supported by: National Institutes of Health (U54 NS065736) and Dysautonomia Foundation, Inc.Disclosure: Dr. Palma has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Lundbeck. Dr. Palma has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Clinical Autonomic Research. Dr. Martinez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Norcliffe-Kaufmann has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kaufmann has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Lundbeck Inc. ER -