Florian Deisenhammer PT -期刊文章盟盟-鲍尔Angelika盟伊万·莱希TI -维生素D和身体活动在多发性硬化(P2.347) DP - 2018年4月10 TA -神经病学PG - P2.347 VI - 90 IP - 15补充4099 - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/90/15_Sup首页plement/P2.347.short 4100 - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/90/15_Supplement/P2.347.full所以Neurology2018 4月10;90 AB -目的:探讨体力活动对MS患者的维生素D水平。背景:比正常低维生素D水平曾被观察到在多发性硬化(MS)患者中,类似于几乎所有慢性疾病。虽然口服补充维生素D增加血药浓度和维生素D水平之间存在负相关,疾病进展,到目前为止没有研究能证明维生素D补充剂的积极的临床效果。尽管这个事实许多医学患者服用维生素D。设计/方法:在8月15日至9月15日的时候,我们包括40 MS患者& lt的eds得分;= 4.0跟踪装置和测量身体活动,户外活动时间的日记,和血液中的维生素D的水平。患者没有服用维生素D补充剂之前和期间的研究。结果:38例,23岁女性和15人,终于分析。平均年龄为39.9岁,女性被有点老(42比37年)。的意思是维生素D水平85.54 nmol / L。变量测量活动,如活动时间,步行距离,许多步骤,户外,和卡路里的消耗。 The primary outcome was correlation between vitamin D levels and total physical activity [minutes/day] as well as outdoor time with EDSS scores as co-variate.In multiple regression the dominant determining factor of vitamin D levels was total physical activity (standardized beta coefficient: 0.222) and there was a very weak negative correlation with outdoor time (standardized beta coefficient: −0.082). Activity was similar in women and men, but calorie consumption was higher in men (2122 vs. 1615). More detailed analyses will be presented.Conclusions: There is a correlation between physical activity and vitamin D blood concentrations in MS patients. Physical activity has been shown to improve clinical outcome. Alternative pathways of the correlation between disease progression and vitamin D levels need to be considered.Disclosure: Dr. Deisenhammer has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Biogen, Genzyme-Sanofi, Merck, Novartis, Roche, TEVA-Ratiopharm. Dr. Bauer has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lechner has nothing to disclose.