TY -的T1神经丝光和τ后人类重复震荡性的创伤性脑损伤(S49.002) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 90 - 15补充SP - S49.002 AU -普什图Shahim盟Yelverton Tegner AU - Kaj Blennow AU - 首页Henrik Zetterberg Y1 2018/04/10 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/90/15_Supplement/S49.002.abstract N2 -目的:调查是否职业运动员后震荡综合症(pc)由于反复震荡性的创伤性脑损伤(rcTBI)升高脑脊液(CSF)和血浆神经丝灯(NF-L)和τ与控制,以及这些生物标记物的浓度升高是否与持久的个人电脑。背景:最近,CSF NF-L和τ已报告增加急性重复性头部创伤后。然而,这些生物标记物是否升高后运动员个人电脑的脑脊液和血浆rcTBI是未知的。设计/方法:共有109名参与者(31个专业运动员与电脑由于rcTBI, 48有脑震荡的运动员没有个人电脑,和30 non-concussed运动控制)为2013年9月至2017年9月。运动员个人电脑由于rcTBI也进行了配对脑脊液和血浆生物标志物评估,Rivermead后震荡症状问卷(RPQ)和结构磁共振成像的大脑自去年脑震荡(平均1.5年)。结果:等离子NF-L浓度显著增加有脑震荡的和电脑集团与运动控制。Among athletes with PCS, the highest concentrations of NF-L were observed in athletes with PCS > 1 year as compared to those with PCS < 1 year (area under the receiver-operating characteristics, 0.85). Furthermore, plasma concentrations of NF-L correlated with RPQ scores and lifetime number of concussions. In contrast, CSF and plasma concentrations of tau were not associated with injury severity or duration of PCS. Consistently, CSF NF-L correlated with corresponding plasma (r = 0.81, P < 0.001), while there was no significant correlation between CSF tau and corresponding plasma.Conclusions: Persistent PCS due to rcTBI is associated with axonal injury, which can be monitored by measuring NF-L in plasma samples months to year after last concussion. From a clinical standpoint, incorporation of plasma NF-L in the work-up may aid in distinguishing patients at increased risk of developing persistent PCS.Disclosure: Dr. Shahim has nothing to disclose. Dr. Tegner has nothing to disclose. Dr. Blennow has nothing to disclose. Dr. Zetterberg has nothing to disclose. ER -