TY -的T1 -直接DBS:前瞻性,多中心临床研究与炫目的定向脑深部电刺激(DBS)领导(P4.068) JF -神经学乔-神经学六世- 90 - 15补充SP - P4.068盟弗兰克Steigerwald AU - Jens福盟Cordula Matthies AU - Dalal Kirsc首页h盟Stephan Chabardes盟Robertus De Bie AU -公关舒尔曼盟-埃琳娜·莫罗盟-瓦莱丽Fraix AU -莎拉Meoni AU -大卫·布卢姆盟-莱昂华雷斯巴斯AU -肯尼Wynants盟Nic范戴克Y1 - 2018/04/10 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/90/15_Supplement/P4.068.abstract N2 -目的:描述与帕金森病受试者的影响植入定向脑深部电刺激(DBS)系统,导致针对底丘脑核,包括径向分段电极用于选择性刺激方向正交的领导除了标准圆柱电极轨迹。背景:从历史上看,DBS系统交付使用引导和刺激圆柱电极,这可能刺激神经元周围的周长。定向DBS系统研究在当前这项研究能够指导塑造刺激的平面正交的长轴(定向刺激),以及提供环模式(全方位)刺激相当于历史线索。设计/方法:DIRECT-DBS前瞻性,随机,多中心,双盲研究采用交叉设计。一共有12个科目将登记和植入每标准护理双边定向DBS领导(Vercise Cartesia,波士顿科学)连接到一个脉冲发生器提供一个独立电流源为每个16联系人。访问发生在三个主要时期:植入访问,访问3 - 5个月,1年的访问。编程是限制在第一次3个月post-implant环模式。在3个月,多个单日编程访问将优化方向进行编程。患者被随机分配到两种武器(每部门4周)为双盲交叉对比环模式和不受限制的(如定向)编程。交叉后阶段,受试者进入一个非盲阶段,随访1年。结果:这个评价没有未来的统计假设,但收集数据,如治疗阈值,副作用阈值,治疗窗口,UPDRS-III PDQ-39,定量基于重力感应动作迟缓和震颤。到目前为止获得的初步数据报告。Conclusions: Preliminary results so far show differences in the clinical responses related to different directional stimulation. Results will inform future studies.Study Supported by: Boston ScientificDisclosure: Dr. Steigerwald has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Boston Scientific, St. Jude Medical. Dr. Steigerwald has received research support from Boston Scientific and Medtronic. Dr. Volkmann has nothing to disclose. Dr. Matthies has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kirsch has nothing to disclose. Dr. Chabardes has nothing to disclose. Dr. De Bie has nothing to disclose. Dr. Schuurman has nothing to disclose. Dr. Moro has nothing to disclose. Dr. Fraix has nothing to disclose. Dr. Meoni has nothing to disclose. Dr. Blum has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Boston Scientific. Dr. Juarez Paz has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Boston Scientific. Dr. Wynants has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Boston Scientific. Dr. Van Dyck has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Boston Scientific. ER -