TY - T1的行为干预作为治疗癫痫JF -神经学乔-神经病学SP - e963 LP - e970做- 10.1212 / WNL。首页0000000000005109六世- 90 - 11盟谢莉尔·r·上流社会的非盟-理查德·b·利普顿盟苏珊娜玉米非盟-阿k·德维威迪盟瑞秋Wasson AU -西安棉花AU - Jeffrey r - AU -迈克尔Privitera Y1 - 2018/03/13 UR - //www.ez-admanager.com/content/90/11/e963.abstract N2 -客观评估减压干预的影响参与者与medication-resistant首页癫痫。方法成人medication-resistant局灶性癫痫(n = 66)是从3中心和随机招募1 2干预措施:(1)与横隔膜呼吸渐进式肌肉放松法(PMR),或(2)控制注意力和肢体运动活动。一个基线期8周后,参与者开始12周的双盲治疗。每日自我情绪和压力等级+发作数量完成参与者使用电子日记,也没有药物被允许调整。主要的结果是每28天百分比减少发作频率比较基线和治疗;二次结果包括减压和stress-seizure交互。结果66名参与者的意向处理分析,发作频率减少从基线两治疗组(PMR: 29%, p & lt;0.05;集中注意力:25%,p & lt;0.05)。 PMR and focused attention did not differ in seizure reduction (p = 0.38), although PMR was associated with stress reduction relative to focused attention (p < 0.05). Daily stress was not a predictor of seizures.Conclusions Both PMR and the focused-attention groups showed reduced seizure frequency compared to baseline in participants with medication-resistant focal seizures, although the 2 treatments did not differ. PMR was more effective than focused attention in reducing self-reported stress.ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT01444183.AED=antiepileptic drug; E-diary=electronic diary; MINI=Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview; PMR=progressive muscle relaxation ER -