PT -期刊文章盟Renaud拉抱着非盟-亚历山大Bejanin AU -安妮·m·费根盟Nagehan Ayakta AU -苏珊·l·贝克盟维克多利亚Bourakova AU -亚当·l·拳击手盟Jungho Cha AU -安娜Karydas盟吉娜杰罗姆AU -安妮马斯河盟-阿什利犯罪非盟-扎卡里·a·米勒AU -詹姆斯p奥尼尔AU -朱莉Pham盟霍华德·j·罗森AU -理查德·蔡盟艾德丽安诉Visani AU -布鲁斯·l·米勒AU - William j . Jagust盟吉尔·d·Rabinovici TI -之间的关联(<一口> 18 F < /一口>]AV1451τ宠物和CSF措施τ病理的临床样本援助- 10.1212 / WNL。0000000000004860 DP - 2018年1月23日TA -神经病首页学PG - e282 e290 VI - 90 IP - 4 4099 - // 4100 - //所以Neurology2018 1月23日;90 AB -目的评估τ的流体和成像生物标记物之间的关系在临床病理和比较他们的诊断效用异类样本。方法对53例(28与临床阿尔茨海默病(AD)和25 non-AD临床神经退行性诊断)接受β-amyloid (Aβ)和τ([18 f] AV1451)宠物和腰椎穿刺。脑脊液生物标志物(Aβ42,总τ(t-tau),和磷酸化τ[p-tau])是衡量multianalyte免疫测定(AlzBio3)。接收机算子特性分析比较歧视non-AD Aβ-positive广告的条件在生物标记。脑脊液生物标记和宠物之间的相关性标准摄入值比率(SUVR)评估使用跳过皮尔森相关系数。Voxelwise分析运行评估区域CSF-PET关联。结果[18 f] AV1451-PET皮质SUVR p-tau显示,优秀的Aβ-positive广告之间的歧视和non-AD条件(曲线下的面积0.92 - -0.94;≤0.83其他CSF措施),达到83%的分类一致。在完整的样例中,皮质[18 f] AV1451与脑脊液生物标记,最强烈p-tau t-tau (r = 0.75 vs 0.57和0.49−Aβ42)。 When restricted to Aβ-positive patients with AD, [18F]AV1451 SUVR correlated modestly with p-tau and t-tau (both r = 0.46) but not Aβ42 (r = 0.02). On voxelwise analysis, [18F]AV1451 correlated with CSF p-tau in temporoparietal cortices and with t-tau in medial prefrontal regions. Within AD, Mini-Mental State Examination scores were associated with [18F]AV1451-PET, but not CSF biomarkers.Conclusion [18F]AV1451-PET and CSF p-tau had comparable value for differential diagnosis. Correlations were robust in a heterogeneous clinical group but attenuated (although significant) in AD, suggesting that fluid and imaging biomarkers capture different aspects of tau pathology.Classification of evidence This study provides Class III evidence that, in a clinical sample of patients with a variety of suspected neurodegenerative diseases, both CSF p-tau and [18F]AV1451 distinguish AD from non-AD conditions.Aβ=β-amyloid; AD=Alzheimer disease; AUC=area under the curve; CI=confidence interval; GM=gray matter; LBNL=Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; MCI=mild cognitive impairment; MMSE=Mini-Mental State Examination; p-tau=phosphorylated tau; PHF-tau=paired helical filaments of tau; PiB=Pittsburgh compound B; ROC=receiver operating characteristic; SPM12=Statistical Parametric Mapping 12; SUVR=standard uptake value ratio; t-tau=total tau; UCSF=University of California San Francisco