我读这篇文章Budhiraja et al。1与兴趣。在方法部分,作者定义一个周期性肢动的睡眠(plm)”[t]他最小的一条腿运动事件持续时间是0.5秒,最大持续时间是10秒,和肌电图的最小振幅是一个8μV增加电压高于EMG休息。腿部运动期间从0.5秒前呼吸暂停或呼吸不足事件后0.5秒一个呼吸暂停或呼吸不足事件被排除在外。”However, this is not the definition for PLMS; it is the definition for a limb movement (LM). Are you able to confirm that PLM index (PLMI) and limb movement index (LMI) were calculated separately, and are you able provide that data?
我读这篇文章Budhiraja et al。1与兴趣。在方法部分,作者定义一个周期性肢动的睡眠(plm)”[t]他最小的一条腿运动事件持续时间是0.5秒,最大持续时间是10秒,和肌电图的最小振幅是一个8μV增加电压高于EMG休息。腿部运动期间从0.5秒前呼吸暂停或呼吸不足事件后0.5秒一个呼吸暂停或呼吸不足事件被排除在外。”However, this is not the definition for PLMS; it is the definition for a limb movement (LM). Are you able to confirm that PLM index (PLMI) and limb movement index (LMI) were calculated separately, and are you able provide that data?