Kern等人进行了一次小,观察、回顾,纵向,钙补充剂的人群为基础的队列研究在老年女性和痴呆的风险增加。[1]妇女服用钙补充剂有更高的几率痴呆。然而,个人联合维生素D服用钙剂的数量很低,损害结果的可靠性。样本大小钙剂组(n = 98)包括服用钙补充剂有85.7%的女性(84 98)同时服用维生素D .[1]作者认识到维生素D是一个混杂变量,包括在回归模型和表示,并不影响维生素D的主要结果。[1] However, controlling for vitamin D would not improve statistical power. Women taking calcium supplements with vitamin D should have been excluded at baseline because the dependent variable in the hypothesis was calcium supplementation alone. [1] The calcium supplement group was described as "women treated with calcium supplements," [1] but they were actually women treated with calcium supplements most of whom took vitamin D. Thus, the study hypothesis of calcium supplementation association with an increased risk of dementia was tested with a small sample size of 98 where only 14 individuals were relevant to the research question.
1。Kern J, Kern年代,Blennow K, et al .补充钙和脑血管疾病的女性患上痴呆的风险。Neurolog。2016; 87:1674 - 1680。
Kern等人进行了一次小,观察、回顾,纵向,钙补充剂的人群为基础的队列研究在老年女性和痴呆的风险增加。[1]妇女服用钙补充剂有更高的几率痴呆。然而,个人联合维生素D服用钙剂的数量很低,损害结果的可靠性。样本大小钙剂组(n = 98)包括服用钙补充剂有85.7%的女性(84 98)同时服用维生素D .[1]作者认识到维生素D是一个混杂变量,包括在回归模型和表示,并不影响维生素D的主要结果。[1] However, controlling for vitamin D would not improve statistical power. Women taking calcium supplements with vitamin D should have been excluded at baseline because the dependent variable in the hypothesis was calcium supplementation alone. [1] The calcium supplement group was described as "women treated with calcium supplements," [1] but they were actually women treated with calcium supplements most of whom took vitamin D. Thus, the study hypothesis of calcium supplementation association with an increased risk of dementia was tested with a small sample size of 98 where only 14 individuals were relevant to the research question.
1。Kern J, Kern年代,Blennow K, et al .补充钙和脑血管疾病的女性患上痴呆的风险。Neurolog。2016; 87:1674 - 1680。