我们读有兴趣的病例报告发表在神经学[1],提出报告首次癫痫持续状态的情况下,和丘脑的萎缩在19岁女性在首页前一个月的历史重复的复杂部分发作。其他相关的发现是正确的脑一些和侧小脑一些。在一项研究中从棕褐色和Urich[2],发作后的历史入学之前报道:(1)发热性癫痫持续状态,(2)(3)hemiconvulsions持久几个小时重复hemiconvulsions,和(4)“严重”发热性惊厥。所有被诊断为脑一些,同侧丘脑的萎缩和(MTS)内侧颞叶硬化。[2]最近审查23个患者,年龄在1 - 64的7岁,表现出显著的脑一些和丘脑萎缩之间的关系。[3]MRI发现所有患者大脑一些,11个患者身体的同侧的MTS的都有同侧丘脑的萎缩。9的11 MTS的历史长期发热患者癫痫发作。我们最近报道两个患者7;一个双边丘脑病变的MRI诊断后发热性癫痫持续状态。 [4] In addition, damage to the temporal cortex, hippocampus and thalamic structures have been demonstrated in an animal model of self-sustained status epilepticus induced by repetitive electrical stimulation of the amygdala. [5] The possibility remains that damage to the thalamus may contribute to the progression to status epilepticus, which may be prevented by early intervention directed at the thalamo-cortical circuitry. To this extent, we agree with the authors that further research is required to elucidate the role the thalamus plays in status epilepticus and other forms of intractable epilepsy.
我们读有兴趣的病例报告发表在神经学[1],提出报告首次癫痫持续状态的情况下,和丘脑的萎缩在19岁女性在首页前一个月的历史重复的复杂部分发作。其他相关的发现是正确的脑一些和侧小脑一些。在一项研究中从棕褐色和Urich[2],发作后的历史入学之前报道:(1)发热性癫痫持续状态,(2)(3)hemiconvulsions持久几个小时重复hemiconvulsions,和(4)“严重”发热性惊厥。所有被诊断为脑一些,同侧丘脑的萎缩和(MTS)内侧颞叶硬化。[2]最近审查23个患者,年龄在1 - 64的7岁,表现出显著的脑一些和丘脑萎缩之间的关系。[3]MRI发现所有患者大脑一些,11个患者身体的同侧的MTS的都有同侧丘脑的萎缩。9的11 MTS的历史长期发热患者癫痫发作。我们最近报道两个患者7;一个双边丘脑病变的MRI诊断后发热性癫痫持续状态。 [4] In addition, damage to the temporal cortex, hippocampus and thalamic structures have been demonstrated in an animal model of self-sustained status epilepticus induced by repetitive electrical stimulation of the amygdala. [5] The possibility remains that damage to the thalamus may contribute to the progression to status epilepticus, which may be prevented by early intervention directed at the thalamo-cortical circuitry. To this extent, we agree with the authors that further research is required to elucidate the role the thalamus plays in status epilepticus and other forms of intractable epilepsy.
1。Nagasaka T, Shindo k, Hiriade M,同侧丘脑等。在一个癫痫患者MRI异常。首页神经学2002;58:641 - 644。
2。谭N, Urich h . Postictal大脑一些:交叉小脑萎缩的问题。Acta Neuropathol 1984;62:332 - 339。
3所示。迪克斯我,韦恩CS。脑hemi-atrophy:分类的基础上,发现和内侧颞叶硬化童年的发热性癫痫。放射学1997;203:266 - 274。
4所示。Scantlebury MH大卫·M Carmant l . V莱顿和关联因素hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy(7)综合症:两种情况的报告。在新闻J孩子神经。
5。哈洛宁Nissinen J, T, Koivisto E等。一种新的模式的电刺激引起的慢性颞叶癫痫大鼠杏仁核。癫痫研究2000;38 (2 - 3):177 - 205。