引用:1。纽豪斯H,利奥波德·冯·Brevern M,阿诺德·G Lempert t .偏头痛的相互关系,眩晕,偏头痛的眩晕。首页神经学2001;56:436 - 441。2。Silberstein SD,立顿RB,布雷斯劳n .偏头痛:协会与性格特征和精神病理学。头痛。1995;15:358 - 369。3所示。布雷斯劳N,舒尔茨LR,斯图尔特WF, Lipton R,韦尔奇公里。头痛类型和恐慌症:方向性和特异性。首页神经学2001;56:350 - 354。 4. Preter M, Klein DF: Panic disorder and the suffocation false alarm theory: Current state of knowledge and further implications for neurobiologic theory testing. In: Bellodi L, Perna G, eds. The panic respiration connection. Milan 1998. 5. Klein DF. False suffocation alarms, spontaneous panics, and related conditions. An integrative hypothesis. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1993;50:306- 317. 6. Jacob RG. Panic disorder and the vestibular system. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 1988;11:361-374.
引用:1。纽豪斯H,利奥波德·冯·Brevern M,阿诺德·G Lempert t .偏头痛的相互关系,眩晕,偏头痛的眩晕。首页神经学2001;56:436 - 441。2。Silberstein SD,立顿RB,布雷斯劳n .偏头痛:协会与性格特征和精神病理学。头痛。1995;15:358 - 369。3所示。布雷斯劳N,舒尔茨LR,斯图尔特WF, Lipton R,韦尔奇公里。头痛类型和恐慌症:方向性和特异性。首页神经学2001;56:350 - 354。 4. Preter M, Klein DF: Panic disorder and the suffocation false alarm theory: Current state of knowledge and further implications for neurobiologic theory testing. In: Bellodi L, Perna G, eds. The panic respiration connection. Milan 1998. 5. Klein DF. False suffocation alarms, spontaneous panics, and related conditions. An integrative hypothesis. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1993;50:306- 317. 6. Jacob RG. Panic disorder and the vestibular system. Psychiatr Clin North Am. 1988;11:361-374.