情况可能会在美国worrisom,但很可能远比在印度这样的第三世界国家。最近,在印度进行了相似的分析马纳博士Madhugiri,一位著名神经学家,他得出结论,“这刊物性能评价和研究神经病学与神经外科培训机构的输出将作为未来评估和比较的基线数据。首页没有任何出版物和研究输出从几个培训机构关心的问题。”[2] Later, Vilanilam et al. similarly stressed the need for research, [3] endorsing Dr. Madhugiri's views. Dr. Madhugiri, in response to Vilanilam et al., further concluded that a significant proportion of teaching institutes have not published a single paper over the past 5 years despite every resident presumably submitting a dissertation. [4] However, there were grievances from some institutes regarding Dr. Madhugiri's analysis, asking him to reanalyse the data in light of new suggestions. [5]
情况可能会在美国worrisom,但很可能远比在印度这样的第三世界国家。最近,在印度进行了相似的分析马纳博士Madhugiri,一位著名神经学家,他得出结论,“这刊物性能评价和研究神经病学与神经外科培训机构的输出将作为未来评估和比较的基线数据。首页没有任何出版物和研究输出从几个培训机构关心的问题。”[2] Later, Vilanilam et al. similarly stressed the need for research, [3] endorsing Dr. Madhugiri's views. Dr. Madhugiri, in response to Vilanilam et al., further concluded that a significant proportion of teaching institutes have not published a single paper over the past 5 years despite every resident presumably submitting a dissertation. [4] However, there were grievances from some institutes regarding Dr. Madhugiri's analysis, asking him to reanalyse the data in light of new suggestions. [5]
1。tommeador一路KJ。减少学术医学中心的临床研究。首页神经学2015;85:1171 - 1176。
2。Madhugiri与出版的性能和研究神经病学与神经外科的输出培训机构在印度:一个5年的分析。首页印度2015;63:338 - 346。
3所示。Sudhir BJ Vilanilam GC, Kumar KK,亚伯拉罕,Nair SN。是印度人神经科学临床医生没有出版灭亡?印度2015;63:807 - 808。
4所示。Madhugiri与作者的回复。印度2015;63:808 - 809。
5。Malhotra HS,加戈RK Sharma PK。出版的性能和研究神经病学与神经外科的输出培训机构在印度:国王乔治的医科大学的真实情况。首页印度2015;63:810 - 8111。188金宝慱官网下载