弗里德曼等。[1]更新特发性颅内高血压的诊断标准(IIH)。我们想添加以下案件的报道患者呈现慢性每日头痛高架腰椎穿刺(LP)开启压力没有视神经乳头水肿。[2 - 3]。我们看到一个肥胖的女性病人与全球头痛伴有恶心和背部疼痛开始的一个月。大脑MRI /造影术是正常,视神经乳头水肿没有检测到,和光学/眼部检查都是正常的。LP透露177毫米的开启压力与正常脑脊液的内容。阿米替林发起对慢性每日头痛和病人建议减肥和改善。六个月后,她抱怨严重,全球、非甾体抗炎药抗头痛发生在过去的四个星期。她显示12-pound体重增加。重复脑部MRI /造影术是正常的,我们没有检测视神经乳头水肿或视神经/眼部异常。 LP documented an opening pressure of 313 mm with normal CSF contents. Treatment with acetazolamide was initiated and the symptoms resolved. The revised criteria [1] did not support an IIH diagnosis yet it is possible that our patient could have been affected by IIH with a progressive evolution. Development of papilledema is possible. We suggest that patients presenting clinical conditions similar to our case could be diagnosed as probable IIH requiring vigilant follow-up.
弗里德曼等。[1]更新特发性颅内高血压的诊断标准(IIH)。我们想添加以下案件的报道患者呈现慢性每日头痛高架腰椎穿刺(LP)开启压力没有视神经乳头水肿。[2 - 3]。我们看到一个肥胖的女性病人与全球头痛伴有恶心和背部疼痛开始的一个月。大脑MRI /造影术是正常,视神经乳头水肿没有检测到,和光学/眼部检查都是正常的。LP透露177毫米的开启压力与正常脑脊液的内容。阿米替林发起对慢性每日头痛和病人建议减肥和改善。六个月后,她抱怨严重,全球、非甾体抗炎药抗头痛发生在过去的四个星期。她显示12-pound体重增加。重复脑部MRI /造影术是正常的,我们没有检测视神经乳头水肿或视神经/眼部异常。 LP documented an opening pressure of 313 mm with normal CSF contents. Treatment with acetazolamide was initiated and the symptoms resolved. The revised criteria [1] did not support an IIH diagnosis yet it is possible that our patient could have been affected by IIH with a progressive evolution. Development of papilledema is possible. We suggest that patients presenting clinical conditions similar to our case could be diagnosed as probable IIH requiring vigilant follow-up.
1。弗里德曼DI,刘GT, Digre KB。修订的诊断标准可见大脑在成人和儿童综合症。首页神经学2013;81:1159 - 1165。
2。西尔伯斯坦marceli J, SD。特发性颅内高血压没有视神经乳头水肿。拱神经48:392 1991;399年。
3所示。西尔伯斯坦王SJ, SD,帕特森年代,et al .特发性颅内高血压没有视神经乳头水肿:头痛中心的病例对照研究。首页神经学1998;51:245 - 249。