Kern等人报道钙补充剂会增加患老年痴呆症的风险与脑血管疾病老年妇女。[1]中可能的机制可以解释这种联系,作者提到“血清钙含量的急剧增加造成的补充。”[1] This statement was referenced to a previous publication, [2] which described the supplement-induced increase in serum calcium as "modest" based on the results of an earlier study in young healthy subjects. [3] A more recent study in overweight but otherwise healthy post-menopausal women administered a single dose of 500 mg elemental calcium supplement after pre-treatment with 10 micrograms 25(OH)D3 and found that the maximal increase in serum level of ionized calcium post-dosing was in the vicinity of 0.3 mg/dL (i.e. approximately only 5% of the upper limit of this ion's normal serum concentration); this change peaked 3 to 5 hours after the supplement's ingestion. [4] Such a small increase over several hours can hardly be termed "steep." The mechanism, if any, linking the increased dementia risk with calcium supplementation should probably be looked for outside the realm of calcium's pharmacokinetics.
1。Kern J, Kern年代,Blennow K, et al .补充钙和脑血管疾病的女性患上痴呆的风险。首页神经病学Epub 2016年8月17日。
2。博兰德MJ, Avenell男爵是的,et al .钙补充剂对心肌梗塞的风险和心血管事件:荟萃分析。BMJ 2010; 341: c3691。
3所示。里德IR、斯古乐英航Hannan科幻Ibbertson港元。四个专有的钙制剂的急性生化效应。欧斯特N Z J地中海1986;16:193 - 197。
4所示。希尼RP,道尔女士,黑尔比尔曼J, CA, Bendich a .补充钙吸收和成本效率。J是科尔减轻2001;20:239 - 246。
Kern等人报道钙补充剂会增加患老年痴呆症的风险与脑血管疾病老年妇女。[1]中可能的机制可以解释这种联系,作者提到“血清钙含量的急剧增加造成的补充。”[1] This statement was referenced to a previous publication, [2] which described the supplement-induced increase in serum calcium as "modest" based on the results of an earlier study in young healthy subjects. [3] A more recent study in overweight but otherwise healthy post-menopausal women administered a single dose of 500 mg elemental calcium supplement after pre-treatment with 10 micrograms 25(OH)D3 and found that the maximal increase in serum level of ionized calcium post-dosing was in the vicinity of 0.3 mg/dL (i.e. approximately only 5% of the upper limit of this ion's normal serum concentration); this change peaked 3 to 5 hours after the supplement's ingestion. [4] Such a small increase over several hours can hardly be termed "steep." The mechanism, if any, linking the increased dementia risk with calcium supplementation should probably be looked for outside the realm of calcium's pharmacokinetics.
1。Kern J, Kern年代,Blennow K, et al .补充钙和脑血管疾病的女性患上痴呆的风险。首页神经病学Epub 2016年8月17日。
2。博兰德MJ, Avenell男爵是的,et al .钙补充剂对心肌梗塞的风险和心血管事件:荟萃分析。BMJ 2010; 341: c3691。
3所示。里德IR、斯古乐英航Hannan科幻Ibbertson港元。四个专有的钙制剂的急性生化效应。欧斯特N Z J地中海1986;16:193 - 197。
4所示。希尼RP,道尔女士,黑尔比尔曼J, CA, Bendich a .补充钙吸收和成本效率。J是科尔减轻2001;20:239 - 246。