我饶有兴趣地读这篇文章倦怠在我们中间神经学家。[1]有两个额外的因素倦怠作者无法解决。一个是“电子化药。”Electronization is a term used to describe the process of taking an item or process from paper-based form and electronically producing it mainly to increase profitability and efficiency. We now have electronic health records (EHR) available on laptop, iPad, and cellphone, if you so desire. Patients can email physicians through the "myconnect" portal on the EHR, email physicians through work email, or, in some instances, text physicians on cellphones. Frequently, these calls and emails are for nonemergency reasons; but since we are always connected, we are obligated to answer. One leaves the office or the hospital, but does not leave work behind. We are always on call! Doctors lost their right and battle to disconnect. Secondly, the authors mentioned the importance of implementing physician-friendly national policies that decrease regulatory burden but do not discuss the burden and stress on physicians caused by ever increasing mandatory CME requirements and maintenance of certification requirements.
1。商业NA, Shanafelt TD,基兰厘米,et al .倦怠、职业满意度和幸福在我们中间神经学家在2016年。首页神经学2017;88:797 - 808。
我饶有兴趣地读这篇文章倦怠在我们中间神经学家。[1]有两个额外的因素倦怠作者无法解决。一个是“电子化药。”Electronization is a term used to describe the process of taking an item or process from paper-based form and electronically producing it mainly to increase profitability and efficiency. We now have electronic health records (EHR) available on laptop, iPad, and cellphone, if you so desire. Patients can email physicians through the "myconnect" portal on the EHR, email physicians through work email, or, in some instances, text physicians on cellphones. Frequently, these calls and emails are for nonemergency reasons; but since we are always connected, we are obligated to answer. One leaves the office or the hospital, but does not leave work behind. We are always on call! Doctors lost their right and battle to disconnect. Secondly, the authors mentioned the importance of implementing physician-friendly national policies that decrease regulatory burden but do not discuss the burden and stress on physicians caused by ever increasing mandatory CME requirements and maintenance of certification requirements.
1。商业NA, Shanafelt TD,基兰厘米,et al .倦怠、职业满意度和幸福在我们中间神经学家在2016年。首页神经学2017;88:797 - 808。