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常规MRI标准来区分进步疾病Treatment-Induced影响中高档(3 - 4年级)神经胶质瘤
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1212/WNL.0000000000200359
神经病学与神经外科学系,联电乌特勒支(C.M.首页F.大脑中心,K.H.v.L。,M.t.V。,t。s。,P.A.R., T.J.S.), and Departments of Radiation Oncology (J.J.C.V.), Medical Oncology (F.Y.F.D.V.), and Radiology (T.D.W., J.H., J.W.D.), University Medical Center Utrecht; Stichting Beroepsopleiding Huisarts (K.H.v.L.), the Netherlands; and Mission of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in Guinea (Conakry) (M.t.V.).
Karlijn h . van Leuken
神经病学与神经外科学系,联电乌特勒支(C.M.首页F.大脑中心,K.H.v.L。,M.t.V。,t。s。,P.A.R., T.J.S.), and Departments of Radiation Oncology (J.J.C.V.), Medical Oncology (F.Y.F.D.V.), and Radiology (T.D.W., J.H., J.W.D.), University Medical Center Utrecht; Stichting Beroepsopleiding Huisarts (K.H.v.L.), the Netherlands; and Mission of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in Guinea (Conakry) (M.t.V.).
神经病学与神经外科学系,联电乌特勒支(C.M.首页F.大脑中心,K.H.v.L。,M.t.V。,t。s。,P.A.R., T.J.S.), and Departments of Radiation Oncology (J.J.C.V.), Medical Oncology (F.Y.F.D.V.), and Radiology (T.D.W., J.H., J.W.D.), University Medical Center Utrecht; Stichting Beroepsopleiding Huisarts (K.H.v.L.), the Netherlands; and Mission of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in Guinea (Conakry) (M.t.V.).
Joost J.C. Verhoeff
神经病学与神经外科学系,联电乌特勒支(C.M.首页F.大脑中心,K.H.v.L。,M.t.V。,t。s。,P.A.R., T.J.S.), and Departments of Radiation Oncology (J.J.C.V.), Medical Oncology (F.Y.F.D.V.), and Radiology (T.D.W., J.H., J.W.D.), University Medical Center Utrecht; Stichting Beroepsopleiding Huisarts (K.H.v.L.), the Netherlands; and Mission of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in Guinea (Conakry) (M.t.V.).
神经病学与神经外科学系,联电乌特勒支(C.M.首页F.大脑中心,K.H.v.L。,M.t.V。,t。s。,P.A.R., T.J.S.), and Departments of Radiation Oncology (J.J.C.V.), Medical Oncology (F.Y.F.D.V.), and Radiology (T.D.W., J.H., J.W.D.), University Medical Center Utrecht; Stichting Beroepsopleiding Huisarts (K.H.v.L.), the Netherlands; and Mission of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in Guinea (Conakry) (M.t.V.).
Tatjana Seute
神经病学与神经外科学系,联电乌特勒支(C.M.首页F.大脑中心,K.H.v.L。,M.t.V。,t。s。,P.A.R., T.J.S.), and Departments of Radiation Oncology (J.J.C.V.), Medical Oncology (F.Y.F.D.V.), and Radiology (T.D.W., J.H., J.W.D.), University Medical Center Utrecht; Stichting Beroepsopleiding Huisarts (K.H.v.L.), the Netherlands; and Mission of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in Guinea (Conakry) (M.t.V.).
神经病学与神经外科学系,联电乌特勒支(C.M.首页F.大脑中心,K.H.v.L。,M.t.V。,t。s。,P.A.R., T.J.S.), and Departments of Radiation Oncology (J.J.C.V.), Medical Oncology (F.Y.F.D.V.), and Radiology (T.D.W., J.H., J.W.D.), University Medical Center Utrecht; Stichting Beroepsopleiding Huisarts (K.H.v.L.), the Netherlands; and Mission of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in Guinea (Conakry) (M.t.V.).
神经病学与神经外科学系,联电乌特勒支(C.M.首页F.大脑中心,K.H.v.L。,M.t.V。,t。s。,P.A.R., T.J.S.), and Departments of Radiation Oncology (J.J.C.V.), Medical Oncology (F.Y.F.D.V.), and Radiology (T.D.W., J.H., J.W.D.), University Medical Center Utrecht; Stichting Beroepsopleiding Huisarts (K.H.v.L.), the Netherlands; and Mission of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in Guinea (Conakry) (M.t.V.).
神经病学与神经外科学系,联电乌特勒支(C.M.首页F.大脑中心,K.H.v.L。,M.t.V。,t。s。,P.A.R., T.J.S.), and Departments of Radiation Oncology (J.J.C.V.), Medical Oncology (F.Y.F.D.V.), and Radiology (T.D.W., J.H., J.W.D.), University Medical Center Utrecht; Stichting Beroepsopleiding Huisarts (K.H.v.L.), the Netherlands; and Mission of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in Guinea (Conakry) (M.t.V.).
神经病学与神经外科学系,联电乌特勒支(C.M.首页F.大脑中心,K.H.v.L。,M.t.V。,t。s。,P.A.R., T.J.S.), and Departments of Radiation Oncology (J.J.C.V.), Medical Oncology (F.Y.F.D.V.), and Radiology (T.D.W., J.H., J.W.D.), University Medical Center Utrecht; Stichting Beroepsopleiding Huisarts (K.H.v.L.), the Netherlands; and Mission of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in Guinea (Conakry) (M.t.V.).
神经病学与神经外科学系,联电乌特勒支(C.M.首页F.大脑中心,K.H.v.L。,M.t.V。,t。s。,P.A.R., T.J.S.), and Departments of Radiation Oncology (J.J.C.V.), Medical Oncology (F.Y.F.D.V.), and Radiology (T.D.W., J.H., J.W.D.), University Medical Center Utrecht; Stichting Beroepsopleiding Huisarts (K.H.v.L.), the Netherlands; and Mission of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations in Guinea (Conakry) (M.t.V.).
常规MRI标准来区分进步疾病Treatment-Induced影响中高档(3 - 4年级)神经胶质瘤
克里斯蒂娜·M。苍蝇,Karlijn H。范Leuken,土地肥沃的十Voorde,Joost J.C.Verhoeff,菲利普Y.F.德沃斯,TatjanaSeute,皮埃尔。长袍,西奥多D。Witkamp,珀斯Hendrikse,Jan威廉Dankbaar,汤姆·J。Snijders
DOI:10.1212 / WNL.0000000000200359