
背景:低CSF淀粉样Beta-42 (Ab42)和高架Phosphorylated-Tau (pTau) total-Tau (tTau)和pTau / Ab42比率(PTAR)被认为是广告病理学的标记变量预测值。表示广告CSF生物标记物的频谱non-AD退行性或nondegenerative认知障碍,例如正常压力脑积水(一)了解甚少。本研究的目的是评估的CSF生物标志物在高等教育实践模式。
结果:27%的病人没有生物标记符合广告;有四个生物标记符合广告的25%。有一个临床诊断和生物标志物之间的关联概要文件,χ2(48 N = 535) = 310,p<措施。异常PTAR AD-Dementia呈正相关,但消极与一组(p.adj< . 05)。PTAR也异常amnestic-MCI的57%,31%的与路易体痴呆,Corticobasal综合症的23%,和20%的其他额颞叶大叶性变性频谱的病人。孤立的低/异常Ab42呈正相关,一但负面AD-Dementia (p。邻接的< . 05)。
结论:CSF广告中生物标志物措施从行为实践,异常与AD-type痴呆PTAR显示最强的关系。正常PTAR低/异常Ab42强劲与一组相关联。异常PTAR non-AD神经退行性疾病可能反映出了广告的频率co-pathology在这些症状,尽管进一步的生物标志物分析性能是必要的。
披露:李医生没有披露。彼得森博士已经收到个人薪酬在500 - 4999美元的范围为罗氏公司担任顾问,公司. .彼得森博士已经收到个人薪酬在5000 - 9999美元的范围作为顾问生原体,Inc . .彼得森博士已经收到个人薪酬在5000 - 9999美元的范围作为顾问,卫材公司. .彼得森博士已经收到个人薪酬在500 - 4999美元的范围作为默克公司的顾问公司。彼得森博士已经收到个人薪酬在5000 - 9999美元的范围为在科学咨询服务或数据安全监测委员会基因泰克,Inc . .彼得森博士已经收到个人薪酬在10000 - 49999美元的范围为在科学咨询服务或数据安全监测委员会罗氏,Inc . .彼得森博士已经收到相关出版物的出版版税卫生保健。彼得森博士已经收到相关出版物的出版版税卫生保健。教授Algeciras-Schimnich没有披露。 Dr. Bornhorst has nothing to disclose. Dr. Boeve has received personal compensation in the range of $10,000-$49,999 for serving as an officer or member of the Board of Directors for Rainwater Charitable Foundation. The institution of Dr. Boeve has received research support from Biogen. The institution of Dr. Boeve has received research support from EIP Pharma. The institution of Dr. Boeve has received research support from Alector. The institution of Dr. Boeve has received research support from GE Healthcare. Dr. Boeve has received publishing royalties from a publication relating to health care. Dr. Jones has nothing to disclose. Dr. Botha has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ramanan has nothing to disclose. Dr. Knopman has received personal compensation in the range of $5,000-$9,999 for serving on a Scientific Advisory or Data Safety Monitoring board for DIAN TU study. The institution of Dr. Savica has received research support from ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Dr. Josephs has nothing to disclose. Dr. Cliatt Brown has nothing to disclose. Dr. Day has received personal compensation in the range of $5,000-$9,999 for serving as a Consultant for Parabon Nanolabs. Dr. Day has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as an Editor, Associate Editor, or Editorial Advisory Board Member for DynaMed (EBSCO Health). Dr. Day has received personal compensation in the range of $10,000-$49,999 for serving as an Expert Witness for Barrow Law. The institution of Dr. Day has received research support from National Institutes of Health / NIA. The institution of Dr. Day has received research support from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. The institution of Dr. Day has received research support from Alzheimer's Association. The institution of Dr. Day has received research support from National Institutes of Health / NINDS. Dr. Day has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Presenter at regional meeting (CME) with Texas Neurological Society. Dr. Day has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Grant Review (honorarium) with Pennsylvania Department of Health . Dr. Day has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Presenter at Annual Meeting (CME) with American Academy of Neurology. Dr. Day has received personal compensation in the range of $500-$4,999 for serving as a Content Development (CME) with PeerView, Inc. Dr. Day has received personal compensation in the range of $5,000-$9,999 for serving as a Content Development (CME) with Continuing Education, Inc. Dr. Day has a non-compensated relationship as a Clinical Director with AntiNMDA Receptor Encephalitis Foundation that is relevant to AAN interests or activities. The institution of Dr. Graff-Radford has received research support from Biogen. The institution of Dr. Graff-Radford has received research support from Lilly. The institution of Dr. Graff-Radford has received research support from Novartis. The institution of Dr. Graff-Radford has received research support from AbbVie. Dr. Graff-Radford has received publishing royalties from a publication relating to health care. The institution of Dr. Taner has received research support from NIH. The institution of Dr. Woodruff has received research support from National Institute on Aging. The institution of Dr. Caselli has received research support from NIA. The institution of Dr. Caselli has received research support from State of Arizona. Dr. Graff-Radford has received personal compensation for serving as an employee of Mayo Clinic. Dr. Graff-Radford has received personal compensation in the range of $5,000-$9,999 for serving as an Editor, Associate Editor, or Editorial Advisory Board Member for American Academy of Neurology. The institution of Dr. Graff-Radford has received research support from NIH.