癫痫:从儿童过渡到成人保健。安大略癫痫的建议执行工作队(p4.9 - 067)

设计/方法:TWG小儿和成人epileptologists组成的,精神病医生和家庭医生从学术界和社会;来自社区的儿童和成人神经学家;神经心理学家;护士和社工从小儿和成人癫痫项目;青少年医学医师专家;一组医生、护士和社会工作者致力于患者复杂的保健需求;一个律师;社区癫痫的代表机构;癫痫患者;父母的癫痫患者和严重的智力障碍,和项目经理。 There were 4 main areas addressed: 1) Diagnosis and Management of Seizures 2) Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs 3) Financial, Community and Legal Supports and 4) Screening tools.
披露:安德拉德博士没有披露。巴塞特博士没有披露。博科维奇博士没有披露。Borlot博士没有披露。Bui没有披露博士。Camfield博士没有披露。Clozza博士没有披露。科恩博士没有披露。Gofine博士没有披露。格雷夫斯博士没有披露。 Dr. Greenaway has nothing to disclose. Dr. Guttman has nothing to disclose. Dr. Guttman-Slater has nothing to disclose. Dr. Hassan has nothing to disclose. Dr. Henze has nothing to disclose. Dr. Kaufman has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lawless has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lee has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lindzon has nothing to disclose. Dr. Lomax has nothing to disclose. Dr. McAndrews has nothing to disclose. Dr. Menna-Dack has nothing to disclose. Dr. Minassian has nothing to disclose. Dr. Mulligan has nothing to disclose. Dr. Nabbout has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Novartis, Livanova, Advicennes, GW Pharma, Zogenix, UCB, Eisai, Biomarin, Targeon, Takeda, Nutricia, Eisai, and Zogenix. Dr. Nabbout has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Epilepsia and Epilepsia open. Dr. Nejm has nothing to disclose. Dr. Secco has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sellers has nothing to disclose. Dr. Shapiro has nothing to disclose. Dr. Slegr has nothing to disclose. Dr. Smith has nothing to disclose. Dr. Szatmari has nothing to disclose. Dr. Tao has nothing to disclose. Dr. Vogt has nothing to disclose. Dr. Whiting has nothing to disclose. Dr. Snead has nothing to disclose.