
设计/方法:这是一个随机、双盲试验调查0.2(低)和0.4克/公斤(高)每周剂量的维护SCIG IgPro20 (CSL贝林)与172例安慰剂。测试依赖Ig治疗后,病人被随机分为SCIG或安慰剂,nc进行研究药物管理局开始和结束的时期在25周或提前终止。从每个病人平均电生理数据给平均近端延迟,传导速度,传导阻滞(30、40和50%)、复合肌肉动作电位振幅,意味着平均参数变化的运动神经从基线完成访问。
结果:大多数的nc参数没有变化;然而,在安慰剂组平均近端延迟增加(+ 1.1 ms)但仍稳定在IgPro20组(低剂量:+ 0.1女士;高剂量:−0.1毫秒)。的平均运动神经传导速度(MNCV)安慰剂组下降(−1.6 m / s),但增加在IgPro20组(低剂量:+ 0.2米/秒;高剂量:+ 1.0 m / s)。这些变化将是进一步的临床相关探索。
披露:成Bril博士已经收到个人赔偿咨询、担任科学顾问委员会说,与Octapharma或其他活动,Grifols, CSL,药。Van Schaik博士已经收到了个人在一篇社论中补偿能力Cochrane神经肌肉疾病组。Van Schaik博士已经收到了来自中超贝林研究支持;巴克斯特。范博士Geloven已经收到了来自中超贝林研究支持。哈博士已经收到个人赔偿咨询、担任科学顾问委员会说,或其他活动Idec, GeNeuro,赛诺菲安万特Genzyme,默克公司,诺华制药、Octapharma, Opexa疗法,梯瓦制药、落实的拜耳医疗、医药,和罗氏。刘易斯博士已经收到个人赔偿咨询、担任科学顾问委员会说,与中超贝林或其他活动;Axelacare;Pharnext;生物监测; Kedrion; Nufactor; Optioncare; Grifols. Dr. Lewis has received research support from Neutralis; Cytokinetics. Dr. Sobue has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Co; Shionogi Co Ltd; Bristol Myers Squibb; Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co Ltd; Novartis Pharma KK; Bayer Yakuhin Ltd; Pfizer Japan Inc; Boehringer Ingelheim Japan Inc; Kissei Pharmaceutical Co Ltd; Janssen Pharmaceutical KK; Teijin. Dr. Lawo has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with CSL Behring GmbH. Dr. Mielke has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with CSL Behring GmbH. Dr. Durn has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with CSL Behring. Dr. Cornblath has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Acetylon Pharmaceuticals Inc; Alcobra Pharma; Alnylam Pharmaceuticals; Annexon Biosciences; Akros Pharma; Biotest; Boehringer Ingelheim; Cigna Health Management Inc; CSL Behring; DP Clinical Inc; GLAXOSMITHKLINE Plc; Grifols S.A.; Hansa Medical Inc; Karos. Dr. Cornblath has received royalty, license fees, or contractual rights payments from Acetylon Pharmaceuticals Inc; AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP; Calithera Biosciences; Genentech Inc; Neurocrine Biosciences; Merrimack Pharmaceuticals Inc; Seattle Genetics, Inc; Shire Development, LLC. Dr. Merkies has received personal compensation for consulting, serving on a scientific advisory board, speaking, or other activities with Talecris. Dr. Merkies has received personal compensation in an editorial capacity for Journal of Peripheral Nervous System.